How to unapologetically believe in yourself & move forward in life!

Alisha E. Ngozi Okachi (She/Her) Season 4 Episode 1

We're ushering this new eclipse energy with a new vibe for season 4 of IMMA TALK ABOUT IT. So journey along for a new era of empowerment, hope & change.

Todays episode covers how to unapologetically believe in yourself so you can create the change you want to see in the world and live a more authentic life.

Tap in now! LET'S GO FAM!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to. I'ma Talk About it. I'm Alicia E, empowerment coach and ancestral healer, and I'm here to teach you how to break generational cycles, self-advocate and ascend to happiness without the guilt of wanting a better life for yourself. You don't have to choose the same path as those before you. You can choose a better way, your way, because if we can each heal ourselves today, we can heal the world tomorrow together. Hi everyone, welcome the heck back.

Speaker 1:

I have been doing some business changes. Many of you know I've also had some personal things going on shifting, traveling, helping out in the world, bringing my book out, doing my music, doing everything I can with every minute that I have, and so I am bringing back the podcast right now. And what we are going to do going forward, at least for the next month or two, is I'm going to be doing Motivation Mondays, because there were some folks who expressed to me that they would love to listen to the podcast on their way to work. Just some inspiring words and just how we can really choose to empower each other just from telling our stories and just lending a little advice. So what I'm going to do going forward is Monday is going to be the day for us to hang out and talk about amazing things that can occur in our lives if we just have these tiny shifts. So get ready for an amazing ride.

Speaker 1:

So for today's topic, it is believing in your capabilities. So we're going to talk about self-belief, how it relates to generational healing and how you can actually move forward in your life. This has also been coming up a lot in my readings, a lot in my sessions with people of I feel like I'm in limbo and I just want to move forward, and it can kind of manifest in your life in different ways. It doesn't mean that you actually feel stuck. It could mean that you may feel like you're waiting for something and you don't know what. You don't know what to do, you don't know where to go, you don't know if you should leave this relationship, like you just have a bunch of questions about what's going on in your life and so what is going on energetically kind of ties into this. And so I wanted to make sure that believing in your capabilities really hits around the time of this solar eclipse, because it's time for us to really shift forward into this new energy, into this new earth and be the bright, amazing people that we are meant to be right. Many of us are starting new journeys. I know I've had to shift everything. I know a lot of my clients are just doing things that they never thought they would be doing in a million years, and so we're all holding hands together trying to get through it.

Speaker 1:

So today I just really want to encourage you and uplift you and invite you to believe in your capabilities. So I also you know me I love to start with a. Why so? Because it is Monday. Aside from really uplifting you, I want to make sure that you are starting your work with positivity.

Speaker 1:

I know there's a lot on social media that kind of paints Sundays and Mondays as, like these, really awful days because we have to go into work. And I know we see those gifts, we see those memes all the time and it's time that we actually let those go right. We are causing more harm to us than we know, and even just sharing those pages with people is going to cause harm, and you know we can't create the world that we want to see in terms of change and elevation and social justice if we are continuing to bring everybody down. So this is me counteracting that and really helping you all stay positive on a Monday, and I know in the past for my own generational healing Monday wasn't always easy because I worked for companies that were very oppressive and that made it really hard for me to show up as my most authentic self. So I really want to help you realize that you are capable of bringing massive change into this world, and it only takes these small mindset shifts on your journey to really help you shift your energy into embodiment and beginning to believe in yourself. So let's jump right into self-belief.

Speaker 1:

I really wanted to ask the question like what does self-belief truly mean? Right, everybody defines it differently, and I think that's an amazing approach to have, but I really think that, as coaches and activists and people who live in 2024, we have to evolve our way of defining things for ourselves now. The world is changing. We need to change. So I'm going to lend you some ideas of how I've defined it for myself on my own empowerment journey, and I invite you to define it for yourself as well. Down the road or today, if you have a journal, whatever it is, reflect as you're driving. Just make sure you're paying attention.

Speaker 1:

Um, so my definition of self-belief, as I mentioned, has evolved over the years and again, it is important to evolve our self-beliefs because, like nature, it is necessary that we evolve and change, and what we're seeing in the world right now is a direct reflection of people not changing and thinking that old ways are going to work for new circumstances, and so things are really being balanced right. Things are really being looked at under a microscope. So anytime you're going to create change in your life, I invite you to evolve, to not get stuck in the past, and so that is something that I always tell myself with my self-belief, like I check in with it, I want to make sure that it is reflective of how I feel now. So the way I've defined it is how I unapologetically know, feel and embody that I can literally do anything if I just try right.

Speaker 1:

This belief is really set in a foundation of I'll try anything once, as many of you have probably heard me say, and I will never, ever, ever, take advice from others about my capabilities because they are not me. That is something that I've always lived by and it's really helped me on my journey, especially now as I'm evolving into a different business owner, as an activist, as someone who is going to be on TV, like all sorts of things. So I know that, in order for me to have these big accomplishments and to do what I did with my book so quickly and these other opportunities, there was no way I could take advice from other people, because they don't live my life, they don't know what I can do, they they're not me, like they're physically not me. So that is a part of my own self-belief, um, around my uh definition personally, and I kind of like to say that it's like a ruthless belief, like um, I have no problem saying ruthless, or like unapologetically, because that is literally how I feel about it like I will fight you tooth and nail if you try and tell me that I cannot do something, because I will again, I will try anything once and I will literally try and prove myself like my entire life. And it's not like, oh, I need to do it, it's just like I want to know if I can literally do it and the only way I'm gonna know is if I keep trying and if I fail like fail, which isn't even a great word to use, but like if the outcome isn't what I am desiring then it doesn't mean I'm gonna stop, it means I'm gonna keep trying.

Speaker 1:

There's singers, artists like activists out there who for years never got anything that they were desiring. But as many doors as there were shut down the road, there were a million more doors that opened. So if I consistently kept the mentality, and if you consistently keep the mentality of allowing people to dictate to you what you can do, right, it's going to make it really hard for you to keep going. You might just be at the door right before everything just dumps into your life, and so I am severely and happily ruthless about my own self-belief, because I know the magic that I hold in my body. I know that I have my guides and I just know there is no questioning it anymore. Like I've removed that part of me. And even if I try something new, maybe my ego sneaks in a little bit and I'm like no, gone, right, control, I'll delete, restart. So I really want you to think about it for yourself, right? A good question is how have you allowed others to dictate to you what you are capable of?

Speaker 1:

And I wanted to bring this up, especially as it relates to generational healing. Right, because generational healing is very important right now and urgent that all of us do this to create the change in the world, because many people want to create change but they're stuck in their trauma and can't move forward, they can't speak up, they don't trust their gifts, and so the people who are like gonna be the next big doctors who are gonna solve all these things are are sometimes stuck right and we've all been there. And so generational healing it's like it's not the band-aid right, it's like the permanent key to everyone's future. So this is why I wanted to talk about it as it relates to generational healing, because I also want to acknowledge for you that there are things around you systemically that have made it really hard for you to embody your self-beliefs and your capabilities, because there's things you know when you when you think about a traditional nine your capabilities because there's things you know when you, when you think about a traditional nine-to-five, there's performance reviews right, there's someone else judging who you are and you have to sit there and not take it personally, right, even though it's biased, and you're being judged. There's things like auditions, where people are crushed if they don't get a role and that just means they're not good enough, like it becomes like absorbed into their own energy and their own belief and it's a lot harder to be in a situation and be like, oh, this doesn't really matter, right? We have to consciously do our healing to be able to believe that it's very rare that people can just go through an event where they are being judged and not take it personally. And then there's also, at the same time, like when you're going through those circumstances, like wanting to also acknowledge that you didn't get the outcome that you wanted and feeling safe enough to release that for yourself. So it's like two things happening in tandem which can make it harder for you to believe in yourself, and that's perfectly okay. And now it's time for us to believe in yourself, and that's perfectly okay. And now it's time for us to really rewrite history going forward, as how can I be unapologetically like believing in myself, so then everybody else around me also believes in themselves. So then we can all get up and march together, so we can all get up and rally together, so that we can all get up and create music and be on platforms that are going to help us be visible and talk about genocide and talk about being anti-war and talk about all these important topics that nobody's talking about, right?

Speaker 1:

But it starts with us fully believing in ourselves and I think about even for myself being on the show and having to speak in front of all those people and even though it was brand new, it was like the only thing I anchored into is I can fucking do this. That is what I told myself. I can fucking do this. I don't care what it looks like, I don't care if, like, I space out, it doesn't matter because at the end of the day, I was doing it. So you have to remember that for yourself, even with your capabilities, like once, you believe in yourself, just try it. It doesn't matter what it looks like, you're doing it and your body, your energy, your soul is going to remember that and then with time, it becomes a part of who you are right. So I also want you this week or today to create an affirmation for yourself for this week. Again, either today or for this week, or just to use whenever you need it.

Speaker 1:

I have different affirmations for different emotions that I feel, different journeys in my life just depends on what I need, and one of them is I tell myself I can make magic happen and everything always works out in my favor. Right, like that for some reason just anchors me into my body and reminds me how strong I am as a manifester and how I can surrender to my path and let go of the outcome. So it's like a two in one. So I want you to create something for yourself, because you're literally, as you say this to yourself, you're going to start to see weird ass opportunities come into your life because you're gonna you're gonna allow whatever stagnant energy is in your mind, your body and your spirit to fully pass out of your like, pass out of your chakras and and like be released so you can receive something else. It's like it's the only thing that's keeping our manifestations right, like if you break down manifestations on a basic level, it's literally just about the capacity to hold energy of something new, like that's, that's all it is. So the more energy you release, the more new energy you can hold. Like. Just think about it like that.

Speaker 1:

And if you're like, why is my manifestation here? Let me just release this, right, and it usually has to do with fear and self-belief and not feeling empowered enough that you can actually do something. So then you have multiple tiers of energy that need to be released, but releasing the self-belief and telling yourself that you are capable and embodying it allows for a flood of energy to come into your manifestations, right? So just that shift, as I said, clears a way for new energy to come pouring into your life and it will literally open up your wealth, health and love channels because, again, everything is energy. I don't know how else to explain this, but everything is energy. Anything else that makes you question yourself is ego driven. So everything comes down to energy. Same with self-belief. Once you believe it, you are in a different state of energy. You are in a higher frequency love. You are in an energy of attraction versus chasing right, versus low vibrational fear. So I invite you again to make these affirmations, to reflect on this question for today and as you go.

Speaker 1:

Whatever you may be doing today, if you do work in a nine-to-five or if you run your business like, again, how have you allowed others to, like, question your capabilities? I guess like I'm thinking of many ways to say this, because entrepreneur life is very different than nine to five. So, at a nine to five like, where can you make these changes day to day, right? Even if it's beyond performance reviews? You can even do this in your relationships with your family, with your platonic relationships with your, like romantic relationships, right? Because sometimes, when we get to know our partner or partners, we allow them to give us unbiased advice, but yet again, they still don't know us. So it's like, even if you are familiar with them and have been with them for a long time, they are not you. So it's important to not become codependent on them and release your own capabilities and your own empowerment. So I hope that you are ready to be done with the past, move forward and begin anew and really tell yourself, like, let's see what I can fucking do today, right? What can you fucking do today that is going to be uniquely yours, that is going to empower you, that is going to change the world, because we all need each other to step up right now and live in our light.

Speaker 1:

And I'm going to wrap it up here. I'm going to keep these short and sweet, and I just want to let you all know that I did open a new Discord group. The link is going to be in the show notes. If you're on any of my social media, it's on my link tree as well. I also have a ton of spots open for tarot reading, so if you need any guidance and a lot of this guidance also includes my Ayurvedic advice, also includes generational healing. Like it's a hybrid.

Speaker 1:

I'm a jack of all trades, so I will give you messages that need clearing up, but I can also see into your body and see what you're doing to help you on many levels to be able to heal yourself not just on a very spiritual level, like I can look at you and tell you what you're eating is off or sense what you're eating is off, and I'll see it in my mind and let you know. So if you need help on your journey, if you just need questions answered, I'm here for you and I just opened also a texting version. So if you just want short, quick answers, I can do that for you as well. And also I just wanted to share that my book is officially on Audible, so if you love listening to things and driving or working out, I highly recommend you get the Audible version of the Empowered Femme Initiation. It is narrated by me and it's a quick read.

Speaker 1:

I believe it's only like a little over four hours, so it's easy, easy to get through, and I'm a strong believer of sharing in people's stories, just like our ancestors did, and it's my reflection on my own generational healing. So if generational healing is new to you, I invite you to get that and also stream my new song. So help me out so I can get on more platforms, so that I can continue to share generational healing and just continue to make music and share as many resources with you as I can and be as visible as I can. So thank you all again for showing up for yourself and showing up for me. I hope that you found value in this discussion and I look forward to sharing the rest of this episode with you.

Speaker 1:

Now that is a wrap and I will see you soon. Hey, if you're ready to ascend to happiness and live the life you've always wanted, join me in my Empowered Living Facebook group for socially conscious healers, witches and spirituals and sign up to get my free, empowered five practices to ascended happiness guide. It's helped others expand their consciousness and soar beyond sight, sound and imagination in just one day. It's the catalyst you need to embrace your magic and change the world. Just click the link in the show notes and I'll see you in the group next time.

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