3.8 Manifesting the Muse in You

Alisha (Ngozi, She/Her) Season 3 Episode 8

Ever wondered how you can become your own muse and spark personal and global transformation? Join me, Alicia E, as I guide you through the empowering journey of manifesting your inner energy. We'll explore the rich historical context of muses in Greek mythology and their modern-day relevance, alongside my personal story of overcoming significant hardships to manifest a life of opportunities. Throughout this episode, I'll reveal how breaking generational cycles, practicing ethical spirituality, and engaging in decolonization work can elevate not only your life but also the collective well-being of our communities.

Meet an inspiring activist whose incredible journey in community work, mentoring, and creative projects like audiobooks, music, and reality TV exemplifies the power of harnessing muse energy. Learn how to develop your spiritual gifts, connect with elemental forces, and receive ancestral guidance to achieve both personal and professional goals. By practicing journaling, intentional reflection, and tuning into lunar cycles, discover actionable steps to release old patterns and clarify your true aspirations.

Ready to take your manifestation journey to the next level? I invite you to join the "Manifesting the Muse in You" 90-day program, featuring monthly coaching calls, channeling sessions, a custom learning portal, yoga, meditation, and community support on Instagram. We'll discuss energy cleansing, ancestor work, dream work, and rapid manifestation, all designed to help you embrace your magic. Plus, don't miss out on the free guide to five empowered practices for ascended happiness—click the link in the show notes and join the Empowered Living Facebook group today. Let's embark on this transformative journey together!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to. I'ma Talk About it. I'm Alicia E, empowerment coach and ancestral healer, and I'm here to teach you how to break generational cycles, self-advocate and ascend to happiness without the guilt of wanting a better life for yourself. You don't have to choose the same path as those before you. You can choose a better way, your way, because if we can each heal ourselves today, we can heal the world tomorrow together. Hello, hello everyone, welcome back. I am super excited to be here.

Speaker 1:

So much has happened since my last episode. I cannot wait to catch you up, but I also wanted to share with you a new program that I have coming up called Manifesting the Muse in you, and we're going to talk about it towards the end of the episode, and today I figured I would give you a sneak peek into what exactly I'll be teaching in this program by talking to you about being a muse, becoming a muse, and what that really means in this world today, in 2024, with everything that's going on with genocides and inequity, and how you can really leverage the muse energy within you to manifest opportunities that are going to be beneficial not just to you but to the world as well, and, as many of you know, I am a huge advocate for decolonization work, and a part of that is really teaching people about how to use spirituality in an ethical way, in a way that aligns with beliefs that are inclusive and care about the world. Colonialism has taught all of us that spirituality is a very individualistic practice and it's not meant to help those around the world, when it's absolutely the opposite. Many cultures do not believe that at all, and so, as someone who is an advocate, an activist and an artist, I want to ensure that you know, anyone who comes into this space fully understands that that is an expectation and just an area of life that we should all be mindful of, especially with using social media and, you know, watching videos on YouTube and just information that we share to people, because it can feel very disconnected. So I do want to get into that today.

Speaker 1:

So first, I really want to talk about what exactly is a muse. So when we think of the classical sense of the muse, we think of greek mythology, and when we break it down, it's really someone who is a source of inspiration, and the reason why I called my program manifesting the muse in you is because, as artists, activists and and healers, it's important that we are able to be our own inspiration whenever we choose to, meaning that we tap into our own wells of power, our ancestral messages, messages from our guides, working with the elements to manifest opportunities. Because in a world that is so fast-paced and just surrounded with technology, we forget about the energy that lives within us, which is the strongest source for manifesting anything you want into your life. I kid you not, and as someone who you know, a year ago was in a very different place and I've talked about this before I was like not doing so well, had been in the hospital multiple times taking medicines from the CDC that I had to sign for, that they were testing because they couldn't figure out what was really wrong with me. I had been t-boned. I was like in financial hardship. I was trying to get out of the situation that I was in, leaving my partner Like a ton of things were going on, and fast forward to where I am today.

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I travel around for work. I am an activist. I'm constantly out in the community helping the homeless population in every place that we go to. I'm constantly mentoring. I just wrapped up my audiobook recordings, working on two other books and some plays as well. I'm making music, working on projects with other folks and, you know, just wrapped up the filming of season 16 for the block.

Speaker 1:

So reality TV was not something that I was planning on doing, but it came along as an opportunity when I started to use my own manifestation energy to call in things that could give my business visibility, because I do generational healing and it just goes to show that the power within us, it never, ever stops giving and it never goes away. And there's this huge misconception that you know, like I hear people say this, especially with their dreams around. Like you know, I used to have like very vivid dreams. I used to have X, y and Z. I used to blah, blah, blah. You know, and I was just talking to someone while I was doing a reading at their house yesterday and it always comes down to us Like the energy is not able to flow and present itself because of us. There is no one and nothing energetically taking things away from you. It's you not being like clear enough to harness your own energy, to be the muse for yourself, to to call to a deeper sense of self.

Speaker 1:

So I I just really also wanted to share that, because I was seeing it pop up a lot on my TikTok recently as I was sharing my own story, and it's things are not getting taken away from you unless your ancestors are literally ripping everything in your life down to size so that they can build it back up. I mean, even that has nothing to do with your clairs. It's always about our energy and how we are balanced on the inside. Are we connecting with all of the elements you know earth, water, fire, air, ether? Are we connecting with our ancestors, with spirit, with God? Whatever you believe in, all of these come together to help you harness your own energy. So I thought it would be an amazing thing to teach people, just like the way I learned, how to actually develop your Claire's. You know, like clairaudient, clairvoyant, claircognizant all of the clairs so you can use them.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people think, oh, I just don't have those gifts. No, you definitely have those gifts. Everybody does. It's just a matter of how developed they are. And there are people such as myself, who come like into this reality with already fully developed clairs because of our own path. Like I know that I'm supposed to be a teacher, so in order for me to teach the knowledge that I need to teach, I have to already have those skills and they will continue to develop. And there's different healing that I will be doing versus other folks, and it all comes down to timing as well. So understand that when you begin to develop the different aspects of who you are as a muse, you can begin to implement that into your life.

Speaker 1:

And I've really started to see this come to fruition, especially with the clients that have been coming into my own space that I've been manifesting, who are on very similar journeys. They're, you know, artists, photographers, healers, who are in this transitional phase and don't really know how to make the leap from what they were doing before because obviously money has stopped. Sometimes that happens your money will literally stop in one area of your life while you transition to the next because they're trying to get you to move towards a new energy and it can feel really scary. Um, and having gone through that, you know, by myself, until my best friend from college and I reconnected, it was really really hard, and even now it can feel hard. Journeying at this level of having developed Claire's and teaching people how to develop their own. It's kind of an odd space. Their own it's kind of an odd space, you know, and I wanted to make sure that there was a safe place for people to come and go through this transition and transform their life onto the path that they wanted.

Speaker 1:

Like I knew, I wanted to help people, but I really had to surrender to what that looked like, because our mind is so counterintuitive to what our muse energy needs to do. Our inspiration comes from, again, deeper energies within ourselves, but it also comes primarily from our heart chakra. Like, like, everything you can create that's going to be the most beautiful and bring you the most amount of prosperity is going to come from your heart chakra. It's going to come from love. It's going to come from the purest form of happiness right, it's always from that space. And so when you surrender and allow yourself to receive a different frequency, your muse can automatically start coming out, because you found a deeper sense of love within yourself, which means it's going to inspire you in every single aspect of your life.

Speaker 1:

And you know I also wanted to talk about today, because this one this is not going to be a really long episode. I'm going to be doing them weekly, so I'm going to keep them a little bit shorter. I also wanted to talk about something that you can do, starting today or this week, to help you on your journey to becoming the muse. Right, allowing yourself to be in this transitional state, and the first thing that I always recommend is that you reconnect with what you are desiring in life. What exactly do you want for yourself? And it's okay if you don't have a crystal clear picture, but I want you to really grab your journal, sit down tonight or tomorrow, especially because we just had a full moon, so we're going to be heading back into the new moon and energy is waning.

Speaker 1:

So allow yourself during this time to release old aspects of yourself that you no longer need, while also being intentional about what you are desiring and kind of clear up what your heart truly wants. Right, like does your heart really want to be in a relationship? Does your heart want to be on a stage and make music? Does your heart want to paint? Do you, like want to travel the world? Do you want to be an influencer? Do you want to be a fashion designer that makes statements about genocides and the political unrest? Right Like, whatever your heart wants to do, write it down and truly, truly, truly tap in, because once you can have a focal point, your muse energy has some place to focus.

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Because right now, if you have too many things going on, if you're really distracted, you're not going to be able to draw that energy that's already inside of you to the center point then outside of your body. Because that is what a muse does, right. We are able to be our deepest inspiration and then start manifesting things out into the 3D very rapidly. When you can master that, you'll start to see freakish change happen every single day, and I talk about this on my tiktok. Every single day I get a weird ass opportunity or I meet the best people. I meet folks who are in my soul tribe and it's it's just amazing and you'll be surprised at how many healthy relationships you're gonna have around you and you're gonna start to see more of your ancestors, hear more of your ancestors, hear more of your ancestors. Your spiritual guides are going to pop up. You know you're going to get messages through other people that are going to feel really fucking bizarre, but it's going to be amazing and it's just a really, really cool journey.

Speaker 1:

So I invite you to begin your Becoming the Muse journey with really asking yourself what it is that you want during this time and also asking, as folks who care about the world, I want you to ask yourself, once you know what it is that you want, how can you really use that area of your life, whatever you are choosing, whatever you are desiring, to help make an impact in the world? And what the universe will do and what your ancestors and guides will then begin to do, is help you get the resources to be able to follow your dreams. And it's just like a really fun place to be at because it's it's brand new, it's a fresh start and and it's something you're just I don't even know how to explain it it's just such a magical thing that you will experience the minute that it begins to unfold in front of you. Because, astrologically, there's really cool stuff going on right now and I'm just going to keep talking about it, so everybody hears me the scales are still being balanced, meaning, if you have a destiny that the universe knows is going to impact the rest of the world, it will expedite your path right now, and I am constantly sending messages to my community, to folks who are around my space, who I look out for, who have very important destinies as well in their community. I'm constantly getting messages for them, about preparing, about making sure that they have what they need, making sure they are resting, making sure that they are not in their corporate office, they are working from home so they can prepare to make this shift and they can prepare to receive more money. And every day, you know, they're telling me you're so right. I can't believe it. Like every day, someone reaches out about my business and so the energy is moving really, really fast and I know it can feel really scary and just know that you are not alone, which is why I'm also going to talk about becoming the muse.

Speaker 1:

Well, first, the newsletter which you can join, which I'll be giving out tips and things like that as I go through my own journey. I can share with you my experience and anything that I've learned. So you have that. And then, if you are wanting to journey for 90 days, you can join manifesting the muse in you. That'll give you a space to safely make this transition and I'm going to be having monthly coaching calls so that you can ask questions, and I'm also just going to do straight up channel sessions. So we'll have part curriculum, part not during those sessions and I'm going to answer as many questions as I can and stay on for as long as I need to to ensure that you have what you need, and alongside that, you're going to have custom curriculum inside a learning portal that you can take with you on the go, and you'll also have some yoga in there as well and a meditation to help you, and it's going to be a progressive learning experience where you will learn about clearing your energy, cleansing your energy, protecting your energy, but in a different way that's more productive for muses today, with with equity and diversity and inclusion in mind, and then also working with the ancestors, building your altar, working with the elements, channeling um, and then we're gonna go over dream work, which is going to be really, really, really cool for your manifestations, and we will also go over manifestation work and how to bring things to fruition very, very quickly.

Speaker 1:

So if this is something that you are interested in which I believe that you are, and I highly recommend you being there I want you to click the link in my show notes so that you can either join the newsletter to get more information or you can head straight over to the waitlist page, and everyone who is on the waitlist page and the newsletter actually gets a founding member price and I'm keeping it as accessible as possible. So for the 90 days it's 444, and I'm just really excited to have you all there. And not just that, we're also going to have a chat on Instagram everyone who is going to be in the group. So so if you are working on growing your business and you want to share your social media content, get some advice, we can all chime in and help you and you can ask questions and we'll just be there for each other as we all go through this 90-day transformation. And then I have some really fun upgrades. If anybody is wanting more one-on-one time, so please do not hesitate to reach out.

Speaker 1:

But I really, really invite you to come join me and the rest of the community on this 90-day journey and just just know that the feelings that you have inside of you of you're meant to be doing something bigger, you're meant to be on stage, you're meant to not be in the shadows, you're meant to be in the spotlight, follow that feeling. It is there for a reason. You're not crazy, so trust yourself. And advice that I always tell my clients is you know, I believe it's really my favorite Rumi quote of never take advice from those who have never left home. So surround yourself with people like myself, who have done this journey, who are manifesting these opportunities, who can give you real advice, and don't surround yourself with people who are not on the same journey as you. Trust me, it's going to be extremely difficult, especially as you go to manifest. You're going to get really odd synchronicities, like a majority of the world thinks that synchronicities are just angel numbers, and I kid you not. Angel numbers are like a drop in the bucket for how your manifestations are going to start communicating with you and how things are going to synchronize. And literally it's the oddest thing, and I can't wait to share with you all in the program what it really looks like when your manifestations are unfolding in front of you and how you can begin to just go with the flow and trust rather than having to plan everything. And I have an amazing bonus which I'm excited to announce.

Speaker 1:

So I'm also including one of my favorite workshops, which is called Unstoppable Wealth Creators. It's something that I made almost two years ago and I love it. It's all about creating generational wealth, manifesting wealth, but also healing any money wounds that you might have and giving you a different perspective on your income, which I find to be extremely important, especially as you are on your manifestation journey, because you will be addressing money cycles that you've had and allowing yourself to surrender to the universe, and that is one of the hardest things to do, especially with finances. I was just talking to someone about this and they were like you know, I just don't want to break my lease, and like all these things, and I was like you have to surrender. You don't get to decide how your path is going to go. If you keep trying to decide how your path is going to go and how your money is going to go, the universe can't deliver everything that it needs to, because you're too busy trying to fit it down a funnel. When you just let go, it's the most magical thing and it's not for the faint of heart, which is why I have this program to really help you understand what it means and what it looks like to be comfortable in receiving, receiving abundance, receiving prosperity in weird fucking ways. But at the end of the day, you will be taken care of and I promise you you will be the happiest you have ever been.

Speaker 1:

And just keep in mind that if you are in this space, there is a reason why you're listening to this. There's a reason why you're on my social media page. This is your invitation to really start new for yourself. It's a perfect time for new beginnings and we're going to be going into Lionsgate portal in August, which is one of my favorite fucking portals in the whole world, so we'll be able to work together and manifest during like a powerhouse portal that is meant for people to be in the spotlight. So let's fucking just gear up together and get this party started. Um, and that is actually it for me.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna end this episode here and I just want to say thank you so much for showing up today and showing up for yourself and showing up for me and just consistently being really fucking amazing. I love you all. Um, folks on tiktok and instagram and youtube, you have all been so sweet and so supportive and I'm so glad that we've all found each other and we're just there cheering, cheering each other on in the purest way and sharing and love, and it's so needed in this world. And also, I just want to say stay tuned because I'm dropping a single which I'm really excited about and it's in preparation for a show that I am planning in the fall called the artist and activist series, but the first one has a fun name and it's to also advocate for sex workers but to fundraise for the congo. And I will be doing the show along with other artists and activists in la, and we'll also be doing it on the east coast, in charlotte, and we're going to try and hop around to different places and, if that's something you're interested in, also check out my website if you want to drop your name into there as well.

Speaker 1:

All talents are welcome, all support is welcome. Volunteers, it doesn't matter. But again, stay tuned and you know me with long goodbyes, so I'm sending you all lots of love, lots of hugs. Thanks for being, and I will talk to you all soon. Hey, if you're ready to ascend to happiness and live the life you've always wanted, join me in my Empowered Living Facebook group for socially conscious healers, witches and spirituals and sign up to get my free, empowered five practices to ascended happiness guide. It's helped others expand their consciousness and soar beyond sight, sound and imagination in just one day. It's the catalyst you need to embrace your magic and change the world. Just click the link in the show notes and I'll see you in the group next time.

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