3.7 Harnessing Creativity for Global Change

Alisha (Ngozi, She/Her) Season 3 Episode 7

Can embracing your creative passions and spiritual callings truly transform your life and the world around you? Join us as we journey through unexpected paths of inspiration and creativity, countering global destruction with compassionate, nurturing energies.

Exciting times are ahead this June, with extensive travel plans and activist work on the horizon! Plus, don't miss the Artist and Activist Series in LA this fall, designed to raise funds for countries in turmoil. Discover how you can support our efforts. Link in the show notes.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to. I'ma Talk About it. I'm Alicia E, empowerment coach and ancestral healer, and I'm here to teach you how to break generational cycles, self-advocate and ascend to happiness without the guilt of wanting a better life for yourself, you don't have to choose the same path as those before you. You can choose a better way, your way, because if we can each heal ourselves today, we can heal the world tomorrow together. Hello, hello everyone. I hope that you are all doing fabulously. I am back for another episode.

Speaker 1:

It's been a while since I've talked about what we have been doing during our travels, during our activism work, and today I really, really, really wanted to talk about giving rise to new creative spiritual pursuits Because, if you haven't noticed which I've talked about a lot, a lot of us are being called down different paths, paths that we didn't see coming, paths that you know, maybe we think we don't have the tools for, but we do, and that these paths require a different level of creativity and inspiration within us to be able to accomplish whatever it is that we are here to accomplish. And the reason why I want to talk about this is because every single session that I've had for like the last six to nine months have all been very similar People who are being called to help, but with a creative pursuit. The last person I spoke to was doing work with their hands they were crocheting, but they were also taking care of babies. The person before that was an energy healer, but being called to cook and share their knowledge with the world. And the person I met before that was an artist. And all of them had, at some point in their lives All of them had, at some point in their lives, began that journey. But because of their environment and because of the trauma that they carried, because of the family that they were in, they were forced to not be able to do the things that they loved, right. And we've all heard this like you're going to be a starving artist, you're going to be a starving chef, right, and myself today now can laugh when people say that, because I'm not really sure if everybody notices all of these successful artists and chefs and musicians and doulas and root workers who are out in the world because they're doing just fine, right, and I'm sure that they've all had to overcome hurdles just like we are having to overcome.

Speaker 1:

But there is a bigger reason why we are being shifted into this energy of creativity into this energy of community and support. And it's because there's so much destruction in the world that we are witnessing, there's so much loss of life, that there needs to be a new wave of people who are stepping forward to bring about a different energy, to create different family lines, to create different ideas of what building generational wealth looks like and how it incorporates the community. And when you look back at history and I talked about activists before us, this is not the first time that this has happened. Right, you think about other musicians like Prince and Bob Marley, and even you know, the Spice Girls, perhaps the Beatles, all these artists who came about during a time of global unrest and who were just there to help people. Remember that there are more beautiful things in the world that we can focus on rather than tearing everybody to the ground. And the reason why you are being called to move or to pick up that paintbrush or to pick up that microphone is because there is a new energy that is needing to come forward, a more nurturing energy, an energy where new artists and new musicians can build a life of prosperity and then share that. Share that prosperity with people in their environment and in their community and globally, because we're seeing too many artists, like thousands of artists, who have millions of dollars, even billions of dollars, do nothing while millions of people are dying. And so when we talk about the wealth transfer which I know many of us have heard of, this is what's happening right now. If you are being led down a path that has just come and like smacked you in the face, it's because you're likely about to inherit a lump sum of money that is going to help you to grow a community and give back to the community, unlike the millionaires and billionaires who are sitting on their asses right now, doing nothing while the world is being torn to shreds. So when I get on social media and I talk about staying grounded and keep going, because your prosperity is here, you are being beckoned, you are here to help people. It's because you are here to help people, I'm not just blowing smoke up your ass, right, and I want you to hear this with all sincerity of you have to learn to get out of your own way immediately, because lives depend on it. Your gifts that you never dreamed would come true are about to come true, and I even think about my own path and Emily's path.

Speaker 1:

And once upon a time I wanted to be a musician. I used to do performing arts all the time. I used to competitively sing. I used to make films. I used to write screenplays. I would write cartoons for fun. I would literally sit at my computer with my like see-through, purple, light up keyboard and my brightly colored like screen and my gaming mouse and just sit there and write all these dreamy stories.

Speaker 1:

And it's now coming full, full circle and it's one of the best things, and at times it's one of the scariest things, and I'm sure you are feeling the exact same. But I want you to know that what's meant for you will work out for you. And this is exactly why I'm doing the free Fly With Me sessions, because I want people to know that they are supported and that they are loved and that their ancestors are there. And if you can't feel them, I will help you feel them. If you can't trust yourself, I will help you trust yourself right?

Speaker 1:

So take this opportunity to rewrite your generational story so that not only you benefit, but the world benefits, because there is no change unless all of us change, unless all of us just fully unleash our wonderful gifts on this world so we can have money in our pockets and have access to resources. The ancestors are here protecting you from any harm. That is why, when you go out and you follow your dreams, like many of you have started, your tribe immediately shows up, immediately, because that's what you were supposed to be doing this whole time. It was meant for you to do that, and it'll happen again so quickly if you just release and surrender. Surrender Emily, or Phoenix as she goes by now, have been living our literal best lives, our literal best lives, and it's been odd to see people from my past come forward and try and shit all over it, but I send them so much love and gratitude because I remember what that was like.

Speaker 1:

I remember what that was like to not have a way out, which was why we decided to do this, which is why you decided to help people, so that people know that there's a different way, that they don't have to cause harm to other people, that they don't have to start a war or a genocide because, as I tell my friend, mommy told them no and that now they feel like the only choice they have left is to take and steal from other people and to take and steal life from this earth. So I want you to remember that you are always more powerful than you know, that you are always more powerful than you know. You are always one step away from your greatness and all it takes is you shifting into that mindset and it will literally be. Blessing after blessing, after blessing after blessing, and just like I shared on my TikTok, there are people who are coming out of the woodworks to help me right now, and they don't even know why. And I'm just letting it happen because if this means it puts me in front of the right people at the right time, then I'm going to do that. Someone I just met said Biden was going to be coming to their shop. And you know what I said Peachy, I would love to have some words with that man.

Speaker 1:

So understand that there's always opportunities available to you, but it is up to you to decide if you are going to take them. And, as I also mentioned on TikTok, do not ask for a new path, do not ask for help from your ancestors and then, when opportunities come, you say no, because your ancestors are tirelessly working to create a better world for you and other people. So be respectful and open your mind, open your energy. You don't have to be fearful. It's the same thing with relationships, because that came up today. You don't have to be afraid of the other person that you're wanting to bring into your life, because you already know that they're meant for you, just like you are meant for them, or multiple partners, right. Whatever you want to call into your life is literally trying to find you too. So imagine if you just allowed it to come forward for yourself, to open your energy.

Speaker 1:

And I see this happen all the time, like especially with my clients, when they would be freaking out about money, and I'm like why don't you meditate just for a couple days? Meditate, spend extra time in the shower or the bath, walk outside, and every single time, without fail, 100% of the time. Someone messages me the next day and they go oh, alicia, guess what? I was walking in nature and then, all of a sudden, I got an email about an opportunity and all these things, and I'm like gee, I wonder why? Because you finally let go and you finally took care of yourself. It's the same concept. It's the same concept.

Speaker 1:

So remember that right now, june, is actually a really fun month, the beginning of it. There might be still some clearing, but June's going to be a really fun month and I'm super excited for June. We're going to be traveling, many of you are going to be traveling. Many of you are going to be traveling. Many of you will be fully embodying your new path. So just let it happen. Allow new people to step forward, go out, have fun with them and remember why you are the activist and the healer that you are. You are the activist and the healer that you are. We'll be traveling to many states. We'll be going to Louisiana, texas and California, georgia and then we'll be heading overseas to Asia and to Europe and then back to California. We'll be doing a lot of traveling, but it's because it's a part of our path and as activists, we travel and we love to travel and we love this life and it's easier than you think. So I just wanted to share this message with you, because I know there's thousands of you out there who are wanting guidance. You can feel it. You're being urged, you are trying your hardest and it just takes a little swift, little tap in your keister to get you over the edge. So, again, if you are needing help, fly With Me.

Speaker 1:

Sessions are free right now. I don't know how long I'm going to be doing them because my schedule is about to explode. It's already starting. I'm literally about to hire my first PA and some other folks for social media to help me on this journey, because this can't do it alone. And remember that you are always in the right place at the right time. But again, book your session right now. It comes with my book. I will sign it and I will bless it and I will write a message for you on your journey. I will channel it as I usually do, and also stay tuned for my YouTube, the fairy medicine woman.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna be doing tarot readings again, because it seems people are really wanting those. Um, they're wanting more guidance, which I fully understand. So I will be stepping back into that. And I'm gonna be doing a fun reading when I get to norlands um, another ancestral home for myself. So let's see if we can get some hoodoo and voodoo on. Yeah, it's gonna be fun.

Speaker 1:

I'm really excited and, to be honest, I'm kind of nervous. Every new place I go, just new gifts just pop out of the blue. But it is so fun. That is it from me, my friends. I am sending you so much love and so many stinking bear hugs filled with flowers and rainbows and butterflies and money. I'll send you some money too. I am here for you, holding space. Know that you are always loved, you are always welcome. Thank you so much for showing up for me, thank you for showing up for yourself today and thank you for showing up for the community and continuing to answer the call.

Speaker 1:

Oh, one last thing Don't forget to join the Artist and Activist Series. We start in LA. It is our first stop this fall. Artists and activists series we start in la. It is our first stop this fall, and then we will be traveling across the us and across the globe to put on events to raise money for countries in turmoil.

Speaker 1:

So even if you do not want to be on stage, there are options to help with marketing. Volunteer, virtual, non-virtual give a donation, whatever it please. I invite you to sign up regardless. We need all the help that we can get during this time. The link is in my link tree on my social media, but I will also put it in the show notes. And that's it for real this time, for the third or fourth time. But I love you all and I will talk to you soon. Hey, if you're ready to ascend to happiness and live the life you've always wanted, join me in my Empowered Living Facebook group for socially conscious healers, witches and spirituals and sign up to get my free Empowered 5 Practices to Ascended Happiness Guide. It's helped others expand their consciousness and soar beyond sight, sound and imagination in just one day. It's the catalyst you need to embrace your magic and change the world. Just click the link in the show notes and I'll see you in the group next time. Thank you.

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