3.4 Embracing Destiny: Surrender to the Stars to Write Your Own Legacy

Alisha (Ngozi, She/Her) Season 3 Episode 4

Have you ever felt the weight of your ancestors' unfulfilled dreams and wondered how to break free? I'm Alisha E, your guide to untangling the webs of generational patterns and stepping boldly into your own story of healing and empowerment. This episode is an intimate exploration of how cosmic moments, like the recent 4-4 portal, can serve as catalysts for discovering your life's purpose and magnifying your manifestation abilities.

 I open up about my personal journey, the deep connection with our ancestors, and how honoring their legacy can empower our own healing. By surrendering to the path laid out for us and trusting the wisdom of those who came before, we find ourselves moving closer to our true destiny.

Imagine the universe conspiring to help you achieve your deepest desires—now let me show you how it's possible. I recount some of the most challenging times of my life, from heartbreak to illness, and how these led to moments of profound surrender, where the magic of the universe unveiled itself. 

Hear about the miracles that can occur when we align with the universe's rhythm, such as the day a book flowed through me on a train ride, or the unexpected healing that took place amidst the glitz of New York Fashion Week. I'll take you on a journey of gratitude, the art of letting go, and the powerful practice of writing down your dreams to set the stage for a life beyond ordinary.

Your intuition is a compass that can lead you to your grandest adventures—trust it. In this heartfelt conversation, we talk about shedding the ego and being open to the universe's guidance, from following butterflies to embracing the energy of the eclipses.

 I share stories of how following those intuitive nudges led me to rediscover my love for music and affirmed my path as a writer. Your magic is waiting to be embraced, and as we conclude, I extend an invitation to join our community of empowered living, where we support each other in ascending to happiness and unlocking the enchantment within. Together, let's tap into the wisdom of the stars and our lineage to change the world, one act of self-transformation at a time.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to. I'ma Talk About it. I'm Alicia E, empowerment coach and ancestral healer, and I'm here to teach you how to break generational cycles, self-advocate and ascend to happiness without the guilt of wanting a better life for yourself, you don't have to choose the same path as those before you. You can choose a better way, your way, because if we can each heal ourselves today, we can heal the world tomorrow together. Hello, hello everyone. It is so nice to be back. I am doing a very interesting episode today. Interesting episode today. It's kind of just off the cuff today and it's actually super late at night, excuse me.

Speaker 1:

I was getting some pretty intense messages coming through about sharing my journey to help others on their journey, especially because we just had the 4-4 portal yesterday, which was fucking bananas. If you have been doing your healing work and doing energetic work, you probably felt like things were manifesting like wild yesterday. I know I was feeling that way, my friend was feeling that way, other folks were feeling that way. It was like everything was conspiring around me to align me with my purpose and it like wasn't stopping. From the minute I woke up to the minute I put my head on the pillow to the dream that I had. It was like boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom all day and I was just going back to back to back to back to back, and so I was getting a lot of like guidance around actually sharing more of how my gifts work so that I can help you open your gifts and really shift through this next eclipse with as much ease as possible and understand that you will be caught if you take the leap. For yourself during this time, and for those of you who are on your generational healing journey and are on your journey of manifesting your wildest dreams and you feel like things are happening so quickly like this is the episode for you. This is going to be your confirmation, this is going to be your assurance, this is going to be your roadmap or example of what you can expect or what to look out for. So I okay. So many of you know that I have very strong like spiritual and ancestral gifts.

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I teach my clients to connect with their ancestors and then they can continue to grow their journey and their connection however they choose to, but I usually teach my clients probably around 5 or 10% of the actual practices that I do because, as you're healing, you need space, to be able to get to know yourself, to release trauma, do all the things. And then your ancestors start stepping in when you have the space to receive them and support you, and that usually starts happening towards the end of the journey. Like we introduce them in the beginning, you meet them, you feel their presence, but they really start to ramp up towards the end. When I begin to step up, I really ask them to step in to help you the rest of the way. Like that is when your intuition is very open. That is when you start manifesting things in your life. That is when you start magnetizing opportunities.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people who go through the journey actually end up in maybe different jobs or have like larger promotions or whatever it is. Their life shifts and the ancestors just come in and support them the rest of the way. Sisters just come in and support them the rest of the way. So I wanted to share some of the things that have been going on with me again so you know what you can actually do as these moments unfold for you, because these are they're gonna feel like out of the blue, very like perfectly timed moments, or you might run into someone who gives you the most perfect answer that you were expecting or not expecting, but also kind of expecting, like your intuition was like I really need this answer. I know it's coming and then all of a sudden someone walks up and tells it to you. So I want you to just be able to embrace it with a whole heart and openness and know that everything is happening for you and for your highest good and really for the highest good of the collective.

Speaker 1:

Right now, and you know, not so long ago and I posted about this on social media I was in a really low place and I knew that whatever was going on was going on for me to become whoever I was about to become next, which is this version of me where I'm like highly magnetic and manifesting, day after day after day after day, things that you wouldn't normally accomplish in that short amount of time. But I'm able to do it because I was able to step into this path and not try and control it. And again, like not so long ago, I was very sick. You know, I was going in and out of the hospital, I was in a relationship that was just falling apart and I was truly, truly running out of money and I wasn't sure how I was going to continue to support my family and continue to move forward, move forward, and I kept getting these urges to just let everything go and, to you know, cut ties with, like basically everyone in my life and finally choose myself. Because there was something on the other side that really needed my attention, needed me to prioritize it, needed me to prioritize it, needed me to pay attention to it, and that was really my path, my purpose, my destiny, right Like what I am fully stepping into now.

Speaker 1:

And many of you have commented that you can feel the shift, you can notice the shift, and I will say that, no matter where you're at on your journey, but especially if you are in a place where you just feel like you're so run down and you're tired and you don't know what to do, I want you to keep holding on to a better future for yourself because, trust me, it is right around the corner and I invite you to just fully surrender and let go and know that you are fully supported. And I've also been noticing that a lot of people who are truly here to create change in the world and truly here to step up for humanity are the ones being uplifted right now and the ones who are not are getting what Emily and I like to say their tower moments? They are being torn down are getting what Emily and I like to say their tower moments? They are being torn down. They are being ripped down and light and you know, flashlights whatever you want to call it is just beaming on them, to tell the truth, and we have a lens on them like we never have before and there's a balancing right. I've talked about this on social media. How I say the scales will be balanced, like that is exactly what's going on right now. So I invite you to just allow whatever needs to fall in your life to just fully, fully, fully fall down and just commit to what you are wanting to do during this lifetime. And I know that many of you who are on this channel want to help humanity. I know that you would give anything to help humanity. I am the exact same way. That's how I ended up in the positions that I've been in, and I want you to really use that to motivate yourself to move forward, even during your darkest times, even when you don't know what's going to happen.

Speaker 1:

Like myself, I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know how money was going to get there and I wasn't sure what I was going to do. I was really fucking heartbroken. I was like leaving my friends. I was sick. I could like barely speak. I was like shaking half the time, having panic attacks, my like PTSD was flaring up and my skin was like going wild. And then all of a sudden, something reset, like I kid you not, it just fucking reset and the clocks reset and all this weird shit started happening in my life. And then it was like, synchronicity after synchronicity after synchronicity, because I started to align, I let go, I just let shit fall to the fucking ground, but in a different way this time, like I just gave, I gave up all my energy and just was like I surrendered to whatever is supposed to be coming right now, because clearly I'm creating more resistance, right, right.

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And when I say synchronicities and miracles and all these things, I'm not talking about yes, you have your numbers and yes, you have your like like you see an address or something or maybe you see the time, but I'm talking about real big fucking miracles start to happen when you let go. Like, the amount of numbers that I see throughout the day is fucking wild, but it evolved into, like I was saying, people walking up to us and you know, there were very pivotal points on this journey that I literally thought I was crazy. Like I literally thought I was crazy, and Emily and I were standing there like how the fuck did we get here? Like, how did we end up in this space? Like how did we end up at New York Fashion Week? And not only that on the side of New York Fashion Week, emily was getting a deep healing from someone who just happened to walk up to her and started channeling, and so every moment has become an opportunity to receive something really, really amazing. So I want you to start to see your day like that and understand that everything happens for a reason.

Speaker 1:

If I didn't choose to leave my partner and leave Sacramento and if I didn't choose to take the train down to see my friend Emily, I wouldn't have been able to write my book, because I channeled my book on the train and Emily and I wouldn't have been in such a deep connection if we didn't decide to go on this journey and we literally stood like next to each other, as someone very close to her in her family was yelling, screaming at her and I was like I'm so fucking glad that spirit led me right here to this moment, so I can stand here and witness this and be a part of this moment. So she knows she's not crazy and she knows that she doesn't deserve this. And so the universe starts to conspire around you in these most perfect ways and again, like I just want you to understand that you are way more powerful than me, than you even can imagine, like, and I want you to stop saying things like oh, I just don't know why that happened. Or I just I want you to say like, thank you, just say thank you and express gratitude so the next blessing and the next miracle can come in.

Speaker 1:

Like literally, not so long ago, emily and I had the urge to drive to the Grand Canyon out of the fucking blue. We didn't even have we didn't. All we had was our intuition. That was just like Grand Canyon. And she said, yes, we fucking drove there with our dogs, didn't know where we were staying, where we were going, where we were going to live, anything we go through no fucking traffic whatsoever, get, get to the grand canyon, keep going. And there's one room left and it's the perfect room and they accept dogs, because we had three fucking dogs.

Speaker 1:

Like, like, you can't make this shit up and so, like I want you to, up until this eclipse, write down for yourself anything you've ever wanted to manifest. Like I'm not shitting you, write down anything you've ever wanted to manifest. I don't care if you think it's crazy or it's wild or it's over the top. You want to be the number one tap singer in the world. I want you to write it the fuck down, and I want you to write down what it would feel like to do that. Why is it that you want to be the number one tap singer in the world? I want you to write it the fuck down, and I want you to write down what it would feel like to do that. Why is it that you want to do it? Why do you want to inspire people? If you want to have the biggest fucking non-profit that helps feed the entire world and not be like the fucked up billionaires that do nothing with their money other than sit on it and let people starve, then I want you to write that down because, literally, the energy in the collective and just around us is so potent.

Speaker 1:

So, if you can believe, for just a small amount of time, that you are supported. You will be supported and you will be guided. All you have to do is just allow the energy in and allow your past to fall apart. And I know how scary it can feel because there were so many moments when Emily and I were driving, and even up until this point, every once in a while we hit a block and we have to heal it. We have to let it go and we sit there and we cry and we scream and we, you know, let it all out, and while we were in Miami, like we were literally crying in the sauna. So it's like you go with the flow and you heal when you need to heal. You can't ignore your healing and expect to have a more beautiful life and an extraordinary outcome if you don't put in the time and if you don't put in the effort, because two seconds before we were crying, there were two people in there who were giving us the best recommendations. Because for some fucking reason, we keep ending up in these places where there's a bunch of famous people and a bunch of rich people, and I'm like this is fucking great. These are amazing resources and just like clearly, our energy is just elevating and expanding massively every day.

Speaker 1:

This week I've manifested some sort of opportunity and the fact that my book which I never even fucking dreamed of, my book is on the Barnes and Noble web like webpage blows my fucking mind and I'm literally just getting started. So I want you to understand that anything is possible if you just dream it up. And not only that. I'm literally training to be on Ted talks, we're going to be on TV Like we have all these things that are coming that I thought for the longest time we're gonna be really difficult to attain, like really, you know, because people say like, oh, you gotta like work so hard and you gotta sell your soul to the devil and you have to like do like they're so negative, they're so negative. But the minute I was like I'm done choosing other people like including family over myself to another level, right, like because we continue to evolve, we continue to grow, we continue to expand, so we have to continue to choose ourselves even more, even when you think you're choosing yourself right, even when I thought, okay, I'm going to risk everything on this, like loving relationship I'm going to support, and then it was like no, I still have a bigger purpose here and this ain't it Like that, wasn't it? And had I not let it go, I wouldn't have had a book and a best friend and an amazing place in Charlotte where we like literally are next to all the musical places and with artists and meet fucking brilliant people every single day and all of our favorite things are in walking distance. Like it's just so amazing and we're getting another husky. So it's like I, if people, I'm just telling you never be afraid to let something go like I know that it's hard because you have to find a way to surrender to something that is so familiar to you, but let it go. I'm telling you there is something bigger and better and massively beautiful and the universe will tell you that you're in the right spot. And whenever I lose faith or whenever I start to question myself, I literally say universe, ancestors, show me. Two seconds later, something will happen.

Speaker 1:

I went into yoga and I was having a rough day and I sat down and someone who had almost the exact same tattoo except a humza, which I said when I got my tattoo on my neck it looked like a humza. They had a humza in the exact same place and walked over and started saying all these beautiful channeled messages and I was like thank you, ancestors, for that confirmation. I appreciate it, like I fully appreciate it. And then I kept wondering why that day I kept meeting a bunch of black men who, like, needed advice specifically on books, making money and like healing their hearts. I was like what's going on? Like I'm just going to keep going with the flow, it doesn't even matter. And and then I got this brilliant idea to connect all of these men, all of these black men, with a very famous black man that I actually hired for an event because they needed guidance. And I sat there and I said, ancestors, universe, can you please give me confirmation if this is what I need to do? Please give me confirmation if this is what I need to do. Two seconds later, an email from that very same person, very same owner, send an email, and they were like marketing their newest event. And I said, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Like, you just have to be open to receiving things differently, like fully differently. When you go on this journey of like your destiny and your path, there is no room for your mind. Your mind is going to be the one thing that, like holds you back, but specifically with your ego. It doesn't mean you can't generate ideas and you don't think through like situations, no, you still do that. But if you have an ego that's massive and it's holding you back, you will not be on your path.

Speaker 1:

Anytime that your ego pops off, like you're not on your path, like by any means, when you feel really good and you feel supported and there's synchronicities everywhere follow them, literally follow them. Someone the other day was like I keep seeing butterflies and I was like, have you ever followed where the butterfly went? Or if you see on a sign, did you ever look up the business that was there? They're like no, I never thought of that. I'm like get curious. I literally followed butterflies to an opportunity, like to a literal opportunity in an airport and it gave me like the most joy, like the universe and your ancestors are constantly, constantly speaking to you, but sometimes we have our heads so far up our asses that we we can't see it, we can't experience it, we can't trust.

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And then there's, you know, people who are wanting to manifest relationships. Like whatever you want to bring, it all is the same thing. Like you have to love yourself and understand what you are wanting in a healthy way, in order for your ancestors to fully deliver your soulmate. Like that, that's how it works. If you are constantly magnetizing people who you don't like, it's because there's something in you you don't like. They are a reflection of who you are right Like our company is us.

Speaker 1:

So if you have people around you that treat you poorly, you need to look at yourself. You have to ask yourself how did I get here? How did I allow these people to be here? And then you have to make a conscious decision to not only ask that, and then you need to be able to remove yourself from those situations and then you need to be able to sit and heal and look within yourself and be like they were me. They were me, that's why they were there. Because at the end of the day, as I say, like energy, likes, like energy On my entire trip. Like I haven't met anybody who's been super negative by any means, by like, literally any means, and that's because I've decided to change my energy.

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And the only time it happens really is sometimes on social media, and it's usually around racism. Sometimes on social media, and it's usually around racism. Like someone just decides to just come over and just shit on my day for whatever reason. And then I'm like you know what? I send you love and gratitude because the system fucked you up. It did, it failed you and now it's shitting on my life and so I'm going to get back to to work and so should you. You should deal with that. You got a lot of rage. So it's like you have more control in your life than you think and you have more control and say about what you manifest, what income you make, what friends you have, how your family treats you, what you do on the holidays. So know that you are so powerful. If you choose to be powerful, if you choose to sit again, as I say, and just say I don't know why this is happening, I'm just going to wait for then you will get exactly what you're waiting for Thin fucking air, my friend.

Speaker 1:

I always tell Emily tempt fate, meet fate. Like tempt fucking fate, meet fate. You want to play games, you want to get risky. If you don't want to show yourself love, if you want to like be harmful to people, you will meet fate and you will meet it hard. But if you want to manifest a really beautiful life for yourself where you can actually be happy, where you can like eat foods that you enjoy and have an income that's like wildly outside of your like even your biggest dreams, and you want to not work so hard, or maybe be an entrepreneur or travel or go to like festivals all the time, then you have to be of that energy, you have to be of that frequency, you have to allow your ancestors and the universe to work for you and all you do is follow the signs and meditate, like literally, it is that simple.

Speaker 1:

And again, like I just wanted to come on because they were really hounding me about this and like I think it's really important right now that, as we are all shifting as a collective, that people understand how their intuition works, so you can actually meet your destiny, like meet your path, meet what you're supposed to do in this lifetime, because it needs to happen faster than you think and fast is always relative, but fast as in now, because the energy of this eclipse is going to rip down to the ground anything that's getting in your way. So you can either choose to let them do it or you can do it yourself and prepare, and then they can step in and do all the fun things. So again, enjoy this beautiful eclipse and please do not give up on your dreams ever. I don't care how big they are. Just keep going, like literally. Please, just keep going and don't stop trying. Whatever intuitive idea that you have, go after it. Even if it doesn't make sense. The universe will confirm it.

Speaker 1:

Just one more thing, for example. I wasn't sure where I needed to put my book and if I should be making music right now. And then I walked into a thrift store and there was my old childhood guitar, along with all the other confirmations, and it was actually a nicer one. It was a Fender Strat and so I got it, along with Earth, wind, fire and many other things that I have on my altar. And then the shop owner offers to carry my book and then gives me a list of bookshops that I needed to stop by to give them my book, and then lets me know that they know the editor of this really big magazine in the Carolinas and like it's known throughout the East Coast.

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So understand that if you just go, just try anything, even if you hear a little intuitive like whisper about go walk on the beach today, I'm gonna go to the grocery store today, or I'm going to see a movie. Just do those things. And if you hear your ego be like, no, no, don't do that, like why would you be like, nah bitch, I'm going to the movies because I guarantee you that movie is going to have something to say to you. Or I guarantee you you're going to get in line and you're going to meet someone who's going to just like massively shift your life. Massively shift your life. I've been waiting to roll out my photography again because I felt like I needed to pump the brakes. And then someone today looked at me and was like, are you a photographer? And I was like there it is. And I said it's time now. It's time to hit the road. So please, please, do not be shy and understand again that everything is happening in your favor. Don't question it. Just keep going.

Speaker 1:

The income will be there for you because it's meant for you, even if spirit, ancestor, god, whatever you believe in, is having you do 10 million things at once, trust me, they're all related. You just don't know how yet. So trust in your gifts and just continue to be with this eclipse right now, be with this energy, and I'm hoping that I can get this to post before the eclipse, but if not, it is what it is. I might just send it to my empowered living group, since y'all are baller and keep doing the work, and you've been sticking around since day one. Continue to do the work. April has a lot of beautiful blessings that you deserve to experience in this lifetime and very soon. So keep believing. You will meet your magical soulmate, you will have the income of your dreams, you will be on stage, you will be that great artist. You will be whoever you want to be. All you have to do is trust and believe in yourself. And so, my friends, that is it for me.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting very tired, which lets me know that I've shared what I'm supposed to share. Very tired, which lets me know that I've shared what I'm supposed to share, and my next episode is actually going to be my time in Louisiana, since I know I'm kind of breaking my trip through the South up. I'm kind of letting them guide me into what I need to say and when I need to say it, and you can also expect a lot more ancestral stuff coming your way. I'm getting asked for that every single day, even in person, and so I know that I need to share more so I can teach more, and if you're interested in unlocking your own gifts, please let me know. It's. It's a really beautiful journey. We can do it in more than worthy and we can, you know, we can ramp it up even more.

Speaker 1:

Um, but I'm also thinking of offering something separate for folks who just want to do ancestral work. Um, if I find that you're in a really good place with your generational healing work and you have the capacity to receive your ancestors and the messages and be on your path and, you know, fulfill your destiny or mission, whatever you want to call it, then I think you would be an amazing fit. So if that's something you're interested in and you hear this podcast like, please send me a message or email me, dm me on Instagram or TikTok, and I'm going to also have some fun stuff coming up on YouTube. I'm actually just going to do an artist YouTube so you can keep a lookout for that. It's just going to be ways that I express myself. So if you enjoy that kind of stuff, come stop on by once it rolls out along with all my photography that's going to be coming out very soon, because now it's time.

Speaker 1:

So I'm sending you all so much love and so many fucking hugs.

Speaker 1:

Right now you can do do this.

Speaker 1:

The ancestors are with you, the universe is with you.

Speaker 1:

You have everything that you need. So thank you so much for showing up for me and showing up for yourself today. I really cannot wait to see the magic that you all create in this world and how you uplift humanity and everything that you do. Know that I am forever cheering you on and I will always give you my time and energy To make sure that you go where you need to go. So thank you all again for supporting me on my journey and just supporting this podcast and my vision for the future. And that is a wrap, my friends. Hey, if you're ready to ascend to happiness and live the life you've always wanted, join me in my empowered living Facebook group for socially conscious healers, witches and spirituals and sign up to get my free, empowered five practices to ascended happiness guide. It's helped others expand their consciousness and soar beyond sight, sound and imagination in just one day. It's the catalyst you need to embrace your magic and change the world. Just click the link in the show notes and I'll see you in the group next time.

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