2.19 The Ripple Effect: A Journey of Energy Work, Hypnotherapy, and Challenging Supremacy

Alisha (Ngozi, She/Her) Season 2 Episode 19

Have you ever wondered how energy work can alter your life's trajectory? What if you could harness this power to manifest your wildest dreams? This week, I had the privilege of having an enlightening conversation with my dear friend Emily. A passionate entrepreneur with a fascinating journey, Emily shares her transition from an international relations degree to becoming a business owner. She pulls back the curtain on how her past adversities have shaped her path, and how interactions within the film industry have dramatically impacted our lives.

Join us as we delve into the transformative power of hypnotherapy, and how it's allowed her to accomplish things previously thought impossible, even cure my muscle disease. Listen to Emily's introspective exploration of her inner child, and how she's used these revelations to reframe her mindset and deepen her self-discovery. Hear about my ongoing effort to challenge white supremacy, colonialism, and capitalism, guided by insightful resources like Caroline J Sumlin's "We'll All Be Free" and Julia Diaz's "The Alter Within".

Emily and I also touch on the extraordinary power of healing and manifestation. We share intimate stories of our experiences with energy work and discuss its sweeping impact on our lives. We emphasize how intentional healing work can create a ripple effect, benefiting not just ourselves, but the world at large. We wrap up our conversation with a look at the importance of fostering a supportive community, and how the universe sends us synchronicities to steer us on our journey. Don't miss this deeply personal and inspiring exchange.

Yolanda Lewis: Trinity Holistic Hypnosis

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to. I'm a Talk About it. I'm Alicia E, empowerment Coach and Ancestral Healer, and I'm here to teach you how to break generational cycles, self-advocate and ascend to happiness without the guilt of wanting a better life for yourself. You don't have to choose the same path as those before you. You can choose a better way, your way, because if we can each heal ourselves today, we can heal the world tomorrow together. So, hi everyone, welcome back. Today. I have my lovely friend, emily here. If you hear us giggling randomly throughout the podcast, it's just. We have some amazing projects that are coming to fruition right now and we're a little distracted, but we wanted to speak to you all and share our journeys as entrepreneurs and what that has looked like for us and how we've really utilized our own spirituality to catapult ourselves into the future but also manifest our like wildest dreams at the same time. So thank you so much for joining today. Emily, how are you doing? I'm doing great.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for you know allowing me to come on here and, you know giving space to these stories first off. And yeah, you want me to just jump on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can just tell folks who you are, what you do, your likes and dislikes.

Speaker 2:

All the good stuff. You can see juicy details. So I am an owner of Bookstown Publishing, which is a self publishing platform. We kind of work as the like middle guy between getting it like having your book written and getting it actually published. So we kind of it can be a very confusing, overwhelming process for a lot of people. So our job is essentially to eliminate that confusion. You come to us with like a manuscript that you've, you know, put your heart and soul into and we handle the details. So we'll format the interior, we'll design a cover for you, we'll get it uploaded into our platform. We use Ingram, which is the largest wholesale distributor, to not only distribute your books but they are the printer as well. So we use them as our, our company that gets your book on Amazon, barnesandnoblecom as well as potentially like third party international retailers as well. So we just kind of help make the system easier and I stumbled into that.

Speaker 1:

I didn't.

Speaker 2:

I really actually never saw myself as owning my own business. I have a master's degree in international marketing. I got my bachelor's in international relations and global studies and when I graduated from my undergrad I ended up it was during the recession and nobody knew what the fuck my degree meant, so nobody afforded me and I went through a really like. I was super depressed during that time, like it was really hard because, you know, I thought I was going to like become independent and I ended up moving back home and living with my parents and that was really challenging After having my independence in college. That was a really tough transition and then not being able to get, you know, a job as well, just add it on. And so I decided I was like, well, I'm going to go back to school and towards I'm actually in a backup, because part of my journey is that I actually listen to myself in college because I hated my major, like I got when I first I came in undecided and then I ended up.

Speaker 2:

I was in the honors dorm and I ended up with a bunch of people who were in the that program and I was like that is so cool. They're learning about all these cultures and the diff like the world and they get to study about as part of their program. And I was like that's amazing, like I, that sounds so good. And then I got into it and they weren't my people and do.

Speaker 2:

They weren't my people. And yet I was in that phase of like I made a decision and I have to stick with it and I changed my mind because that's failing and that part of that's been part of my journey is that it also I think I was punishing myself, like they're feeling. I realized that that decision was like a masochistic choice, that I did that just punished myself. It didn't hurt anybody else. It was that that hurt and for whatever reason at the time I didn't understand that that's what I was doing.

Speaker 2:

But I stuck with it and towards the end of college, I kind of realized that marketing was something I was really interested in because it blends the study of people and creativity and science all together and I loved it. I was like, oh my God, that's like. Why did I do that? I was like, instead of this, this entire like it was bad.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know that like I told you this, but we I, when I studied abroad, I ended up in a very abusive like host mom and she was very verbally abusive and it you know, saying that I was like stupid and I was fat and that I wasn't like I couldn't, like I was bad at speaking Spanish and we lived in actually like one of the worst neighborhoods. I went, I studied abroad in Buenos Aires and I actually one of the worst neighborhoods, like taxi cabs would be like oh, why do you live there? Like that's, you shouldn't live there, and like I actually had something like when it takes us there. So it ended up I had a string of like really bad experiences there some highlights, but a lot of like.

Speaker 2:

I came back and was just very dejected and it was like, like just another, like thing. And did that shake me enough to be like you know what? Like change, like I know you're like change and I was like, oh, just so I get the flag. And I, so I graduated, hit the recession, kind of get a job.

Speaker 2:

So I go back to school and applied to a program that was to get my master's in international marketing and in between that I actually ended up landing like an internship on a film set and that was incredible and I really enjoyed it and I, the people that I ended up connecting with, were incredible and they brought me on for a second film that they did before I was going back to school. So I worked on a couple of sets as a assistant, prompt master and then also as a set designer for it. So that was like a fun detour. You know, as I've been on my journey, it's like what if I had decided, made the choice again to like scrap going to grad school and had followed that path? Because they love and they would have like taken me on? They were working on projects like the Jurassic World series and like lots of projects, so my life had.

Speaker 2:

I made the decision at that point, being like I really like these people, I'm enjoying this work. Yeah, what if I just don't go back to school? And I was like I've already, I'm going to school.

Speaker 1:

There's societies my just coming all in.

Speaker 2:

So much. So it was like okay. So I went to school and had a lot of really good times. It was a one year program, so it was a really intense like hit the ground running and finished with the job and I came out and couldn't get a job. I struggled and I it took me almost almost a year, about like eight months to get a job and then I landed in another, in a job that was like marketing for a sparkling wine company and I love the entire premise of it, but again I landed in a very abusive boss situation where I was getting screamed at on the phone Like I was.

Speaker 2:

I was there for a total of four months and I actually was losing my hair like it was just falling out all over the place, and I had really like PTSD once I left with my phone ringing. It took me about a year for my like for my heart not to skyrocket every time my phone came in and I kept it on silent for like a really long time because just any noise coming from it was very triggering for me. And I ended up working at a media agency for almost five years and I met a lot of really great people, I got to work with some great clients and that was really fun. And then, due to like a restructuring, I ended up losing that job and it took me then. Well, the restructuring happened in June of 2019.

Speaker 2:

And so then COVID came in at the beginning of 2020, which really put a damper on the job market for me, and I just struggled again and I was like what am I gonna like? Why is none of this working out Like? This shouldn't be this hard. I really didn't understand it. So I started going, okay, like what about my own business? Because I don't have to apply to like, I don't have to send applications, I don't have to get judged by anybody else on what I wanna do like if I find my own business. So I actually started looking. I was like what if I can buy like an used bookstore? I've always loved reading and I've always loved books and I was like that would be a really fun thing. And I found a couple and I was like, awesome, let's go. And then they actually ended up being bought by the time like I was looking and so I was like, okay, that's not it.

Speaker 1:

I universe was like that one.

Speaker 2:

No, and then I came across Bookstown Publishing and it was for sale from the previous owner and he had actually bought it back in 2006 from an owner prior to him. So the business has been around for I think we're coming up probably close to almost 20 years at this point, I think. So it's been around a really long time and it just all clicked into place. Like as I was talking to the previous owner, he was like, yeah, I actually had a previous buyer. It was pretty much all set to go earlier in 2020.

Speaker 2:

And then it fell through. So I was like, well, there's a sign, because it might not have been available and it is, and I was fortunate enough to have my family support or who loaned me the money to be able to do the initial down payment on it. And then, with the owner, I negotiated to do a note payment, so I paid him a monthly amount it's essentially like a mortgage for the business and so that was done for three years. So as of September of this year, I had officially finished paying it off. So now I own my business, free and clear now, which is Yay, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And so that was like I jumped headfirst into business like self publishing. I had absolutely like new idea like what I was doing. I didn't have a background in it. I knew. I mean, like I said, I loved reading, I had looked at publishing at one point trying to pivot into it, you know, far back, and that didn't work out, and so I mean I knew enough about it.

Speaker 2:

And I tried my skills enough to figure it out and I did and I kind of just I mean, everything was brand new and figuring out and I was coming in with projects that were already in the middle of being completed. So I was, I actually hit the ground running with like I think we had like I don't know six or seven projects that they were in the middle of and I purchased it. I love that.

Speaker 1:

I mean it was oh no, go ahead. No, I mean, it just sounds like so. I mean you bring up so many interesting things, like the first one just being how, like so many of us have a tendency to stay in situations a little bit too long, even if you know our soul and our energy is like wanting to have the change, needing the change. Like everything around us is like kind of being torn down. We're having multiple tower moments, but there's still that little voice in our head that's like if you change, it's gonna negatively impact somebody and you've done this commitment, so you're not allowed to be happy, like even though we couldn't have seen it back then, because I went through something similar like it's wild how strong that voice can be and how it's been so ingrained to us, even as a society, to like not speak up for yourself, not choose ourself, that it becomes this automatic voice that kind of guides us through our life, where it's like you know, the voice of the oppressor becomes our own, like we then oppress ourselves because of the oppressor and we carry it on and then we pass it on.

Speaker 1:

And I love that you shared that and I'm like I'm so sorry that you had to go through those experiences and I know that you know we've talked pretty openly about being in really rough situations, even like in college and after college and now as like entrepreneurs and like how it's shaped us, but still desiring that nobody have to go through those experiences. So I guess, like fast forwarding to where you are today, cause you're like fucking killing it, like how is it that you've shifted your mindset? Cause I know we've talked about this before right Like how have you or have you been able to shift your mindset to a place where you're more comfortable with change? Or like open to change, and like what have you done for yourself? Like do you think your spirituality played a part in that? Like you can answer it however you want, but like how has your mindset kind of shifted from where you were at before to now?

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, spirituality 100% played a part in it. I hit rock bottom. That's what started for me. I was depressed, I was failing I guess to myself I was failing, I wasn't. My interest in the business was gone and I couldn't get myself to do what I needed to do to keep going and I knew that I was just going to keep spiraling. So I actually first started this journey that's been a little bit of a year and a half now, really intensive journey by. I came across the Enneagram and that's what started. It was going oh, this feels like me, like this is what I'm doing. So I actually sought out Enneagram therapists specifically and it was incredible and it started my journey. Like that was kind of where it started.

Speaker 2:

And then things got better mentally for me. And then they didn't, because I then decided my business was struggling and I was like I don't know what I'm going to do, like I'm not making enough money, this isn't working, I don't know what to do. So I was like, okay, I'm going to look for another job, because this isn't that's the easiest option at this point, because I really don't want to close our doors. I didn't want, like we have over 1500 authors that have published with us that are available, and I want to stay open for them so that their stories don't get taken away, so that they get to stay and people can hopefully come across them and connect with those stories. And so I was like, okay, I'm going to look for a job, and jobs are very triggering, have been very triggering for me in the past. It brings up not feeling enough, my profession is not being worthy of getting paid what I thought I deserved, what I needed to climb out of the debt that I had accumulated from trying to keep the business afloat. I pulled money from credit cards in order to put money into the business. Like I just wrapped up my debt in order to do that. And so it just got worse. And so the I've spent a year looking for a new job and every time I've probably submitted over 500 applications for jobs.

Speaker 2:

And it got to the point a few months ago where it was like I don't fucking understand this. Like how can nobody see my worth and how can I not be getting any of these? Like I'd interview occasionally and I got really close to one and then the person who they were replacing decided to come back Like weird things where, like it should have been my job, like stuff was happening and it was like what the fuck? Like how is this happening? And so that led me diving really deep into how I was approaching life, because I was looking for meaning for why this was happening. Like how could I be struggling this much? Like I thought I was coming from a place of like love, trying to keep this business afloat and it felt like the right thing. And I just was struggling and nothing was coming that to help me and I felt so alone and isolated and it was like there has to be more than this, because I'm done. Like I really was at the point where I was like I don't wanna do this anymore, like this life thing is not for me anymore.

Speaker 2:

And I saw you, you were the start of it for me, so you offered the free fly with me sessions that you, when you very first started, and our session opened the door because I connected with my inner child for the first time ever and it's unlocked a piece that I didn't even know I needed. And your message, you know, like what came up in the cards was positive, that, like I mean they were, I had the tower, I had the chariot, I had the star, like. I had all these really big cards Like if you keep going, shit is gonna change and you just have to keep going. And it was life changing because that our session was on the very first day of the women's World Cup and I you know that for me, I have a muscle disease. I had a muscle disease. Yeah, there we go.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That prevented me from playing soccer and that was my passion. That's where I thought that was. My dream career was to be a professional, you know, women's soccer player. And I was good enough to do it and yet my body said no. And since that happened in high school, I've been lost.

Speaker 2:

So all of these have led to this point in time, and the fact that our session was on the start of the women's World Cup was another life changing, because it was the first time that I watched them play and I wasn't filled with heartbreak and sadness and anger and resentment that I wasn't there.

Speaker 2:

Like that that wasn't my path in life and that it wasn't my path in life on purpose, like that wasn't what I was put on this planet, this go around, to do. And so I I just started delving. You know, like I jumped in and was like, okay, tarot, like I bought my first Tarot deck and I just started like going what do I need to know? How do I do this? And you know how do I keep going and I just slowly built that, my connection with myself again, because I had stopped listening to everything and except my mind, and my mind was filled with so much hate towards myself that I couldn't see beyond it and you know we just threw that through these different steps. I'm now. I don't even. I don't even recognize who I was two months ago, because I'm in such a drastically different place.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like first thank you for sharing that story because it's such a powerful one. And, um, I remember that session so clearly because the guide that was trying to come in was so present. I don't always remember, you know, but yours was like boom, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming. As you were talking and you were releasing and you were being vulnerable and we were taking you on that quest and we were sending you, doing all these things and we were sharing in these messages. They were like no, I need her to know that we are here. And they were like kept showing up. And I just remember being like whoa, whoa, and I'm like Emily, they've got their arms out wide to you, ready to embrace you. And I remember telling you to verbalize it, speak to them out loud and tell them that you give them permission to show up, like you give them permission to be in your life and to help you and to guide you. And I remember you said that you were sitting outside and then you were like talking and then a butterfly came to you. So I was like, I was like.

Speaker 1:

It always brings me so much joy because, you know, we go our entire lives not thinking about the one portion of our life and like our childhood, but literally shaped us. And I always say, you know, like we have to do inner child work, like there is no avoiding it, like if we are to move forward and if we are to release our fears and heal our trauma and heal our ancestors, like, how else is a child supposed to process all of the things that have happened right? Like we were children, we didn't have the verbiage or the emotional capacity or understanding to like, say, like hey, this is what's going on and it's very complex. And like you know, like it's rare that kids can do that. And then you need time to process that and that's why, like, we also do it as an adult.

Speaker 1:

And I love that you invited that journey for yourself, you know, because you could have decided to not do a fly with me session. Like nobody, nobody may do, you know, show up. But you were like I'm going to do it, like I'm just going to be open and I'm I'm going to receive it, and you're like freaking, flourishing, and I you kind of hinted at it, but like you, well, you tell them about your body. I'm like it's not my story to share. It's not my story to share. It's not my story to share.

Speaker 2:

So through this journey I'm going to because I okay, so I'm going to get to that, but I want to touch on this real quick because it's really important and I think more people, especially I, am a white woman in our society, and part of this journey was doing anti-racism work. That was really important to me and really delving into that, because I had shame around being a white person and it took because of the horrors that are happening currently and have happened in the past against pretty much every other group of people on this planet and I was giving into the shame. It kept me from taking action. It helped. My privilege allowed me to hide from it and I no longer wanted to live like that. That's not going to ever help anybody. It wasn't actually living into my purpose either, and so I picked up books, and one of the most crucial books that I picked up was called We'll All Be Free by Caroline J Sumlin, and she talks about how white supremacy, colonialism, capitalism feed on this idea of perfectionism, of not being enough, and these systems are in place to keep us where we currently are all of us, because if there is a single group of us that is not free, then none of us are free because we're all held under the same systems. And she does it. She speaks about it with such love and kindness and compassion and knowing that it is a complex issue and at the same time it's not, because it really is just all about our humanity. At the end of the day, we all are human and the color of our skin shouldn't dictate anything, because we're all souls here just moving through life and that was a really massive part of the shift was letting go of the shame and disconnecting, unlearning white supremacy and unlearning colonialism and capitalism and breaking away from those things. And it's an ongoing journey. It forever will be, because I am a white woman and that is from that's the perspective that I'm traveling in this life through, and it is just a constant journey.

Speaker 2:

But I couldn't continue the path I was on without doing this work as well. They went hand in hand, not just for my set, like the inner child work, but this anti-racism work as well, and another great book, if you're looking, which blends those two topics together spirituality and anti-racism is called the Alter Within by Julia Diaz, and it's another beautiful work where she talks about how spirituality has been colonized and it isn't what it's supposed to be and we again it's been manipulated and corrupted and it's just another beautiful book. So I highly recommend that. That was another one that was part of this journey. And so in doing all of this really deep work, I went to a spiritual fair where you were at and got to see your lovely face, and in doing that I came across Yolanda Lewis and she owns a business called Trinity Holistic Hypnosis and I just immediately felt safe and connected with her and I did a short, like 20 minute session. That was like a heart connection and it was another pivotal life changing moment for me where I got to heal a part like my four year old self who really needed help, and it was pivotal and I knew that I'd be working with her, which leads me now to the question you posed about my body and what came from it. So fast forward, and I've now.

Speaker 2:

I just was working with Yolanda and I did my very first hypnotherapy session with her and I had no idea what was going to happen. What I really thought I was really going to talk to my ancestors. I thought that was the direction it was going to go and what ended up coming to the forefront was that I had eight other energies that were tied to me. From the time I was born I had had all of these. I had an old man who had died in a car crash, I had a couple who had died in a car crash. I had a murderer tied to me, I had a woman who committed, who overdosed and left her three children in doing so, and I had somebody who was shot. And I had all of these really intense energies that were tied.

Speaker 2:

And so, as in my session, we spoke to each of them and we helped send them and talk to them like who did you leave behind? What happened? And then part of the question. One of the questions was how have you been impacting Emily? And all of them were pretty much for the negative. In some way they were impacting my emotions, my like. I have had lots of suicidal thoughts over the years. That was coming from Tiana, who had overdosed, and one of them said that they had impacted my muscles, and so we released them and sent them back so they can now live their best lives on the other side and no longer are tied to this human realm that we're in and that, in and of itself, was massive. Yolanda said that she had never worked with anybody that had eight energies.

Speaker 2:

That's a lot Like two is a lot if you have them, so let alone eight. And when I was coming out of it, like acclimating to this new body that I was existing in because I no longer had eight other entities tied to me that were impacting. So I have now been living a month of. Do I like these foods still Like? Does this taste the same as it used to? I, you know, like can I? I haven't ever had allergies, but I've had a bit like wine, certain wines with higher sulfates give me headaches and I've had issues and I discovered recently that a wine that used to do that doesn't do that anymore to me. So that was, you know, one of the things. But, like, my whole life changed and all of a sudden I was just me and one of the first things that I realized happened was that I had cured my muscle disease in doing this.

Speaker 1:

I was like I can't even touch you. You said it.

Speaker 2:

And it still feels surreal to say that I don't. I don't have it anymore. I get a super emotional talking about it, because I spent 34 years, my entire life was dictated to it from. You know, like carrying groceries and could create a minor like attack for me. Or you know like walking and I just eliminate. Like there were so many things in my life that I never thought I was ever going to be able to do because it was that debilitating.

Speaker 2:

With things like I could, I can walk, but I can't walk too fast and it can't be in heat and there are lots of things. And just you know, like even down to I did I didn't do my hair and fancy styles because I couldn't keep my hands up long enough to like braid my hair really like it was. You know that down to things like that and all of a sudden, after doing that session, I can, I can do. You know I can do whatever I want now and it's learning to exist in a body that can do that and being kind to myself because I went hard, too hard, on an exercise video.

Speaker 1:

I remember you telling me that I also did the same thing that same day, so same page.

Speaker 2:

So it's, you know, but I get to do things. I'm doing things that I have never, ever been able to do in my life recently, and it'll just continue to get better. And you know, as I've expressed to you, I will forever be grateful to her for creating a space that made me feel safe and I'm grateful for myself for being willing to take that journey, because it was scary as all get out and I didn't know what was going to come up and what was going to happen, and it was a fucking like miracle. Like I still like I don't know, there just aren't even words, like I just don't even really believe that it happened and yet I'm walking proof that it it happened.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's so fucking wild, like I. It's giving me chills again every time I hear it. And you know, I don't think that people talk enough about the impact of working with energy in general or working with ancestors or your own body, Like, yeah, even if you look at it through a scientific lens like everything is made of energy and so energy is constantly interacting with other energy and so things will become attached and it works the same way in spirituality, same thing with spirits attached to you, different lineages, timelines, like time doesn't really exist, so everything happens at once. And we're definitely need to put Yolanda's information in the show notes, because they are fucking powerful and she's just a very kind soul and I've talked to her many, many, many times and I want to make sure that people can also meet with her as well.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but like you have been on such a journey and it just goes to show what really happens when you truly commit to taking care of yourself. Down to you know you were meditating, you were releasing, you were loving yourself, you were open to not like literally going on the journey. Like what was hilarious is that, you know, it was my first new earth event by myself, because usually my partner was there and you're like me and my sister are coming, and then I cried and then we were crying and then it was like all this really thing, but then, like that was the perfect environment for you to meet Yolanda. And then, like you know, it's been like such a beautiful journey because when you start to just let go of trying to plan everything in your life, you know the universe and your guides and your ancestors are kind of there to like usher you through and it seems like like freaky alignment, freakish timing, but they're doing it on purpose to help you right, like you never would have imagined, like curing this disease that was in you.

Speaker 1:

And now we're starting to see more studies coming out where people do have the power to heal their body with meditation, with energy work, and I don't think it's any coincidence that you're seeing more and more healers kind of pop out of the woodworks because it's so needed, right.

Speaker 1:

We're all being awakened, we're all being called to do it Like you're a healer. That's why you were also getting healed. Like it's like just a beautiful chain of events and also just really beautiful that you know, yolanda is the type of healer which I freaking love to be able to take the spirits or energies or entities that were with you and to usher them into the next life, you know, into their peace and their happiness. Because not a lot of healers do that. Like sometimes they will remove things but then they don't help the soul move on or put them to rest. Or like sometimes souls will get stuck in a certain stage of their life, right, like that was why you were experiencing all of that muscle issues and disease, because they're stuck on a loop. And so really good healers, really like ethical healers, would go in and take that person out, get them out of their loop and then send them on to be happy.

Speaker 1:

And so it's just really fucking cool that, like the fact that you were open to it, like you not only physically healed your body like, and I also want to say because we're going to get into manifestation next okay, but you like physically healed your body and you were able to heal other energies as well, which is also going to heal their own line. So it's like it's very important that we're really intentional about how we show up for ourselves, even if it's not in the 3D realm, but like loving each other. And you know, you did the anti racism work, which is so important, and so that's going to change for your lineage and people hearing this podcast like it's such a ripple effect and it's I just wanted to draw a lot of attention to that, because spirituality, like you said, has a lot of work. It needs a lot of attention and it's time that we do that. And seeing the events that are happening globally, I think it's bringing even more of an intense lens on to the truth of what people need and how we need to change and come together as a collective and like really do the healing so we can show up and help the world right, like, and I know that's something that you and I have really aligned on of. You know, yes, we perhaps will have our nine to fives, you know, like, and there's no shade with having a nine to five as an entrepreneur, which I know we wanted to talk about, right, and it's like, but we're also going to move forward with our gifts, in our healing, so we can make a larger impact. And that's why you know we'll be like we're going to buckle the hell down for a week and we're going to, like, dig into our shadow, like, release it and then like, fly forward so we can really start changing the world.

Speaker 1:

And so I just want to say, like it's such an honorable thing to do and I'm so glad you're sharing that story because I think a lot of people need to hear that and understand that you have to be intentional about it.

Speaker 1:

Like you, like we can't change the world unless you choose to change yourself. Like you have to consciously make that decision and go towards it. And I think a lot of people, since you mentioned privilege, have had the privilege to opt out, like we're in the United States. We do have the privilege to opt out because we're not there right, like. So it's like we need to understand that just because we can have access to that privilege doesn't mean that we should take it Like you know, like we need to not do that anymore so we can get up and save these people and like literally help the world, like like enough is enough. So I just wanted to touch on that, because I do want to talk about like where you're at with your manifesting and what has really come from your healing. That wasn't sure if you needed to add anything.

Speaker 2:

No, I love all of that. Like you said, I think the key piece to making the world better is the your own healing, because, even with the best intentions, if you haven't done your own healing, you're gonna continue the harm because you haven't done your work, and it's that simple. And I you know, yeah, that's it. And it's a lifelong journey Like this isn't like something that I get to just because now I've spent, you know, a handful of months or a handful of years doing that. I get to stop doing. This is like a lifelong commitment, because I am human and at some point I probably am going to make a mistake and I'm, you know, gonna need to like okay, that's, I've learned it and move on. And that's part. Understanding that it's okay to have that happen is part of that healing, because white supremacy tells us you have to be perfect and if you can't be perfect, don't even bother trying, and that does nobody any good, it doesn't help. And so, yeah, I think that that was it to. You know, I love you. Sorry, don't get me started.

Speaker 1:

I can go, I know I'm like, for anybody who doesn't know us, like Emily and I will get real riled up and we'll be like we're taking on the world right now, which is where our energy has been at. So talk to us about where your life is right now. What's been going on for you? Because I do want to bring in some manifestation stuff and like how you really grown your spirituality, because the wildest things have been happening and I think people would love to hear about it as someone like I consider you someone who is very spiritual but also an activist and like an entrepreneur and all of these other things.

Speaker 1:

But I think the three main things, like you're very spiritual. You know you also have your craft and your ancestor work and you have your business. But you're an activist like and you can see that from your page like you're constantly sharing resources for people to wake the fuck up. So it's like talk to us about like, where you're at right now with your spirituality and manifesting and whatever comes to your heart. You know we keep it open.

Speaker 2:

Well, I now know why I never got a job. So that's pound two fruition. And the last week is I know why. Every single door closed, because it's what pushed me on to that journey.

Speaker 2:

Had I gotten a job six months ago, I wouldn't have been in this moment right now, and the magic that I am now experiencing on a daily basis is worth the last, the pain of the last 34 years, because I've now seen what is in store for me in the future and how happy and joyous and peaceful and that I get. I can accept love and I can give love, and that's what my future holds, because of this past path that I've taken. And so I now am going to like. My business is like we're still working on the business. That's going to stay. We have kind of a new business that's coming in to plan. There's a move happening that we're gonna you know that's gonna come in and is part of that healing journey that we're on, and I mean it just comes down to the fact that that's why all of these doors have stayed closed. So I think with the manifestation sorry, I like had to pause there to like oh no, I want to go with that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, do whatever you want.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Manifestations. Okay, how about this Entrepreneur?

Speaker 2:

There's so much I don't even know how I go.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm trying to figure out what to talk about because, for anybody who's listening, Emily and I work together very closely and we have a really amazing project coming and so we're like, how do we talk about this until it's ready? So we're getting a little bit choppy, but I guess maybe we can talk about, since a lot of entrepreneurs are wanting to manifest their wildest dreams. We're also in a giant portal right now. Between November and February there's also accelerated manifestation. So what kind of signs and things have you gotten or like you want to talk about that can maybe help someone recognize their own manifestations and to like be comfortable sitting in, like because I know the job situation has happened for so many people and it's also happened for me being comfortable in that energy and really shifting towards the synchronicities and following them right, Like anything you want to talk about in that realm.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I think the first thing is doing the work to get clear about what you're wanting. So it feels I have struggled with so long with like, what do I really want? Like, do I need to know exactly what this like house looks like, or that I want to manifest? Do I need to know, like, what my exact partner looks like, or like any like my ideal job? But I love doing so many different things, like, I love learning, I love trying new things, that so it was always overwhelming when somebody was like, in order to manifest, you have to get really specific, and I was like, I don't know what that looks like. Stop telling me. I have to get specific. Yeah, but the it comes down to finding what sets your soul on fire a little bit. What when you think of, like, if you could wave your magic wand and do something, what does that look like? If you immediately like, if you were like, I want to do X, y and Z and you the next day woke up with the right skills, the right like community, the right every like, everything just lined up, what would you do? And if what you're doing right now is that, then perfect. Now lean into that even more and like how do you grow it? How, whatever that is, how do you expand on that? If you're not doing it, what does like? What does that look like? You know what piece of that is driving it. And then the biggest thing and the hardest thing for me was the surrender manifestation, leaning into surrender manifestation, which is, once you have some clarity and you put it, you write it down. I always find writing things down to be the most helpful. It helps solidify it for me and you get clear. And then you have to surrender, you have to go. I create, you know, like I. So actually a manifestation that I worked on was I wanted to know what my next steps were and kind of where my future is going to go by the 15th of November. And in the last couple of days, once I got there with that, the last two days have made it very clear what the next steps I need to do are, and that's how fast it can work sometimes. Sometimes it might not kick in that fast, but it did this time and I now am very clear on what I need to do, and part of it is because I leaned in, so signs for me have been like I have an app that gives me, like I don't know, manifest affirmations, maybe affirmations, and they just are lining up perfectly with. So what's happening? I, my decks, like I have a couple of Oracle decks and they just keep coming, like today I pulled, I am receptive, you know. So it's like Like the, you know, it's little things like that, like pay attention.

Speaker 2:

Is there like a key phrase that keeps popping up? I wild has popped like the last like two and a half weeks. For me, wild is showing up everywhere. I'm saying it a lot. It's coming up in phrases and books like it's just there. One of the symbols to Persephone has been something, so I'm seeing a lot of pomegranates. Yeah, um, boxes butter eyes.

Speaker 1:

Um yeah, someone literally gave you pomegranates.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got handed three pomegranates. The number three, for me too, is really powerful and that shows up a lot in all the time. So that's it's. It starts with like paying attention. So the clarity comes, because then it allows you to look at things right. It changes your perspective on it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All of a sudden you go kid, this is what I'm going towards. And then you know say you're like wanting to open your own design business. Okay. So all of a sudden you like an ad pops through like how to design your own business, or like you know, there's this. Like you know person pops up in your email address or you get like something comes through, a friend post about something on their account that's about design, and you start seeing the signs coming through and you lean into the fact that you've now declared what you wanted. So you let the universe do its work. Yeah, and you have to freaking, let go and letting go is so hard. And yet it's where all the magic is and I wouldn't change any of it because I've leaned in hard this last week into letting go. I was told I would have a job and it was going to be potentially in this like location. And in this location is now where I don't know if this job is going to come through. But something else is happening in this location and it's through well fast and it's, you know, like it. Just I, when you lean in, is really where the magic happens. It really starts to come and it just makes life more fun.

Speaker 2:

I I've spent 34 years hating life, literally feeling like what is the purpose? How is this? All there is, there's. This is terrible, it's awful. Like people hurt all the time. Like people, I've been struggling to survive for 34 years and never felt safe and never felt comfortable. Really, still, right now, and even though there's so much up in the air, like there, I feel safe because I'm trusting that my purpose is going to propel me into these next steps and I'm taking care of by the universe, by my ancestors, by my guides, my galactic team Like I. There are so many people who are part of this process and I know that.

Speaker 1:

They get me out, you keep going. I don't know what just happened. You go in. Okay, my camera was like I'm too hot.

Speaker 2:

But it just is easy to lean into it and now, like it's easier. Every day gets easier, because it's important to me to continue, because I'm seeing the magic, I'm seeing the synchronize ease you and me. I like I can't wait for us to be able to share, like one more on the other side of this, all the shit that lined up and how it all came together, because it's fucking, it's wild. It's wild like there isn't another way for it and like word for it and it just, if we like, when we tell the story, it's going to sound crazy, like it's going to sound fucking crazy. Yeah, I know, it's real, it's so real and I just I never saw this as my life and my life is already better than it has ever been and most of the things that are coming haven't even like happened yet and it's still so much better.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love how you mentioned just like all of the small synchronicities that'll help you recognize the bigger synchronicities, because sometimes, like the universe will scream at you and sometimes it's like really fucking subtle. But you have to, like, when you talk about surrendering and you know surrender manifestation like you have to let go of almost seeing the world like I don't know how to explain it. You know what I mean. Like you have to be able to zoom out and like start to realize that there's going to be messages in different places and like sometimes it'll be really obvious, like when we were at New Earth, and then that producer walks up and then we're like all of us are like huh, like this right, and then it like kept evolving and evolving and evolving. And then you know we're pulling cards and you know it'll be like 555 and change and like you're making the right decision and then a song will be. The song will be about like new beginnings, and so we're like okay, like we just need to keep going. We have to keep believing and keep healing, and I think what's been so important on like this manifestation journey is this that we do have each other, so like having a community that you can actually talk to about.

Speaker 1:

It is really important because you know, for example, like you know, we kept getting messages that we needed to tap into our intuition and like slow down and like do these things. And then you know, my good friend, azure, you know, sent me this picture and it was the high priestess. And I was like you gotta be fucking kidding me. And so then I like sent her a screenshot of my phone and I literally had gotten a message from someone on Telegram and it said the high priestess. And then we did that reading and then out comes the high priestess. And then you were talking about the high priestess and I was like, okay, we need to sit down and like really focus and it becomes like really fun and also reassuring that things are changing around you, because I think that's what is the hardest part in terms of surrendering and like trusting that everything's gonna work out.

Speaker 1:

Okay is that your like external reality doesn't quite change until it does like literally like you and I and like some of my other friends, I'm like this is why we're all getting pieced together like this. And you know we were talking about needing tech help, and then my tech friend is like hi, you know, I haven't talked to them in literal months, and so it's like the universe just starts like putting these things out for you. But the fact that you and I can talk to each other and talk to each other on the days where we're like damn, like my ego is really kicking my ass right now and like I don't know what to do about it, I'm gonna go outside, I'm gonna meditate, and then you and I can talk about it. Cuz you know and I'll just share a little bit about you know, the meeting we had recently of like we got off the call and I had told you, you know, like my ego had shifted in and I started to feel like my worth was going down, like I was, I, like it was, like I. I didn't feel good enough to be in that call for very specific reasons. And then you were like that's wild, because I had felt like I couldn't be in the call. I don't feel like my spiritual gifts are like we're, and then we were able to like have that exchange of like what the fuck are you talking about? Like, oh my, like you're so fucking psyched like all these things.

Speaker 1:

So it's so great when you can have community around you that is on the same page, in the sense that they're there to love you in like an unconditional sense, because then you can elevate together and have that security that you and I have or that you know, like I have with Meg, and now you have a Karina and like all these other healers and all these like women who are coming together and like no, we're gonna forge our own path.

Speaker 1:

Like we were able to manifest that and found that, and now we have people to also lean on, just like they can lean on us and do amazing things and manifest at the same time a really big, funny opportunity. But it's like I'm just like take a deep breath, alicia, take a deep breath and it's, it's gonna be so cool and you know, like what's been happening for me is, you know and I'll share a little bit about how messages come to me it's sometimes they're literal, like things in my body will, where they'll just drop in, like how I was telling you about, which I'm okay sharing, because I've shared it before that I've been wanting to write a book and all these things. And then I was sitting there and I was like, oh, emily, my book, bobo. When I was like, wait, I think it's gonna be a movie or something like that, like something cool you know.

Speaker 1:

And then you're like okay, you know, it just popped in my head and then I talked to my friend Karina. She's like oh my god, we need to make it into a movie because Karina doesn't film. And so then it's like, you know, all these fun things start to happen. And what's also kind of neat is that the universe can also shift things like. It's like maybe they say that now, but then it shifts and evolves into something else because your energy starts to change and it starts to elevate, and then they give you a different opportunity that you're like what do I decide? I've got all these opportunities. So it's just like a really fun and beautiful, you know place to be in, especially because we're all creative, like and we're not allowing our ego to tell us no anymore and we're not accepting it from society and like following those norms anymore. And you know, like, and just going back to the nine to five, just how you know, we had talked about getting nine to fives and like also honoring the fact that we wrote hey with having that stability and wanted that stability. And it's okay to be on that journey as an entrepreneur, because you can have a nine to five and still do things that you love, just like people have a nine to five and have a weekend. So you know it's.

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of entrepreneurs also carry a lot of shame with like being in the workplace. But you know, even for myself, it wasn't like I had planned to leave my job and then, all of a sudden, you know, I was like I'm gonna start my business. It was like no, I was in my nine to five and then an idea popped up and then I started my business and then shit went down at my job and then I went to another job and so, like you know, it was like you can do two things at once and you can still manifest stuff that way, and then sometimes the universe will start shutting doors on you until you like go towards like where you're meant to be, because you start like radiating so largely in there, like now we're just gonna kick you out the door. But I think it's just really cool to to share. You know just how signs show up and I know that at every new earth event that I've been at, like that producer, like people just show up, physical people show up to deliver messages, which I've never seen.

Speaker 1:

But it's also kind of fun, you know, and you're like I see you. Ancestors are like I see you. Universe, you know you, you really got my back and you've got the back of all these other people and like being in those spaces, even that you got to meet Yolanda and it's like you feel so safe because people are fully, energetically open to receiving blessings and love on our and are literally interested in being there for each other. So it was like we could have those conversations of like oh my gosh, life is so magical, isn't it? And then you like real life and they have like a giant butterfly tattoo and you're like addiction and you're like I just love life and I didn't know life could be like this and same thing.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, life can really knock you down, but when you start to surrender and find that joy within yourself, like it's like literally, possibilities are are endless and, yeah, it's just such a magical journey. I was trying to think like no, I feel like those are all the biggest manifestations that have really happened, and like what we're also doing is, you know, we have also been wanting to improve on our health and like our mental health and our physical health. So we're talking with each other and like really encouraging each other every single morning because, you know, we're reframing our mindset and reframing our energy, and so we're like sending all these long audio messages and we're like, you know, like I'm on my walk today and it's so great.

Speaker 1:

And then we're like I have all these ideas, I'm going to put them on the board that we have and like it's, like that's how it is every morning, so that it's yeah, and they were like okay, good night.

Speaker 2:

And then we pass out.

Speaker 1:

And we're like oh my gosh, you know what happened. It's like it just becomes so contagious. But, honestly, like I just encourage everybody who's listening to just freaking follow the signs, because you will literally be the happiest person and, trust me, you will never laugh as hard as like you've laughed in your whole life and I know you mentioned that recently and because the signs become so blatant. But you're like I get it, I love it.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't want them to stop, like I want them to keep going. I'm asking them like keep the sides. Like it makes me feel good, like I like it, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And you'll be like oh, I just got this and I'm like you got to be fucking kidding me. I'm like this person's told me a joke, it's hilarious. And I'm like, oh, they sent me that sign already and I missed it.

Speaker 2:

I do want to just touch real fast on that. Stepping into this joy is beautiful because it allows you to give space, to leave space for the pain and the hurt of other people, because it I want it. In the world that we're living in right now, there is so much pain and suffering and it feels very overwhelming on how do we make a difference, how do we change what's happening? And we're as an individual person. Our impact is on a smaller scale, but if you can lean into the joy and lean into these small things that actually make life worth continuing to push and to live for, then you can leave space for that pain and the suffering that's happening to multiple groups of people right now and you get to step up even more. Like it really like I think that's one of the biggest shifts that's happened for me is like in finding the magic and the joy and the fun of everyday life.

Speaker 2:

I have more energy and more ability to actually step up and be the voice for people that don't have voices, or to share or to sit in those spaces and to face what's happening rather than wanting to hide, because I'm in such a negative space myself, and I think that's one of the biggest pieces of this puzzle that I've like come to realize, because I've never existed in this space before, like this is brand new to like have these feelings, you know, like to live in joy and to find and to think life is fun and I know it sounds weird given what's happening, but how we're going to heal, I believe, is in helping everybody get to that level, and that because then we all have space to continue to stand up for when things happen right.

Speaker 2:

So, like be the voice and, to you know, do the protests and to fight and to do what's right and to break from the chains that our world and our society has placed on every single one of us, and there's so much beauty in that, and that in doing so we get to create a community that is striving to become better than we have been.

Speaker 1:

Yes, thank you so much for adding that in, and it just makes me think of also, like, how complex like manifesting is. You know, because you do have to have that heightened sense of joy and love, like that high frequency and, like you're saying, like you do need to have the other space so that you know we can keep moving forward and acknowledge the pain and help make an impact and go out and fight, and we also need to be able to have that space where we can guide ourselves or be guided with love, like the right energy needs to be able to come forward, but we have to be able to find it within ourselves. And I think what you're saying is it's just such a beautiful like reflection, because it's it's really true and I think that, like, while we are having this fun, you know like all of this is coming down to what we are about to bring into the world, that it's going to help thousands of people, like it's going to keep people from doing what they're doing internationally with you know, the genocide and everything, and so I think there's also like a sense of permission that needs to be given to women to connect on like a loving and open and joyful way so we can collaborate and, like you're saying, you know, get together and like dream and like go out and fight and like do what we can boots on the ground, but also remember that we can't manifest the impact that we want in the world from a really low vibrational place, like you were saying. You know, like we can't go out and fight that way, like good never comes from that and it's it's exhausting, and so we have to be able to take care of ourselves and I think that's what's also really driven me lately to have, like, if I go to bed, when I go to bed, then I can like really finish my book. If I go to bed and I eat, then I can stay focused. If I take care of myself and talk to you and like we encourage each other, than I know we can get through this project faster than you know. We've even dreamed up and I know that we can receive our manifestations even faster.

Speaker 1:

So it's like, it's like it feels odd to like feel happy, like you're saying, and feel that joy and also have an impact. It's almost like I think for a long time, like activists have always been painted as being like too like, like it's almost like they're painted very negatively, like they're angry people, but that's not really the case. Like a lot of activists navigate the world from a very loving place. That is why they are so activated. And so I think, like you just saying, that is such a beautiful door to open for everybody and like take a different perspective on what activism means to you and realizing that these people who are activating and are out there with boots on the ground, like you, can do that too. The love and compassion that you have can evolve and alchemize itself into an even bigger impact if you just allow it to and you like are able to receive, which I know we've been working on, but like it's so, so, so, so huge.

Speaker 1:

And I just want to say, like thank you for pointing that out and sharing that, because I think, even, as you know, femme presenting people, or me being a femme presenting person who identifies as black and also queer, like my path also has unique experiences that are a lot more challenging. And so there's, you know, that sense of resistance of me just going outside and wanting to interact with other people because of that historical trauma and the fear, right. So then it's like we have to be able to heal that and still face the love within ourselves and know that it still exists and that we deserve that love so we can go help other people and share that love and liberate other folks and souls energy everywhere. Actually I went on a long tangent, but that just like thank you for sharing that. I really appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's awesome. No, I that everything you said was beautiful. It is a, it's a yes and situation. Everything that's happening in the world right now is a yes, and the Jewish people are hurting, yes, and Palestinian people are hurting and freedom needs to like come, and it's just, it's all yes, and everybody can hurt, like so many people are hurting, and nobody's pain is being set aside because of it, but it is it. There's there's priorities that come into play for certain things, I think, and it's just a yes and yes, and we are existing with pain and sorrow and anger. That's happening, and we get to exist with joy and happiness and dreaming, and it's. It's not an, it's not a either or situation. I think we get so closed in that you can either have this or you can have this, and I think the key to everything is a yes and approach like yes, this is true and this is true, even if they sometimes seem like opposites.

Speaker 1:

Right, I love that. Thank you for you know going into detail with that, because I think, you know, this world has a tendency to be very divisive and feeling like we have to choose. But we can literally elevate ourselves if we stop choosing and we just start respecting each other and loving each other on a very collective and whole level and unconditionally, so we can actually make the change that we are wanting to see. So this has been such a magical conversation. It's all way over. I know I don't even care because it's it's crazy. And is there anything you want to share, like about your business or anything? I mean, everything's fucking evolving. So, yeah, whatever you want to share before we head out.

Speaker 2:

I don't really. I just, you know, try to find some magic in your day. I think that's the little thing and yeah, I mean you can. You can find me at Bookstand publishing if you want to. You know, learn anymore. But I, this biggest journey like this, isn't really even about my business. This has been personal and I, you know, I'm so grateful for you Like you know, we've talked about this, but I love you so much and I, the work you're doing is so powerful and so important. I hope people continue to see that and, you know, continue to flock to you because you're amazing and I just appreciate the space to kind of use my voice today.

Speaker 1:

Yay, I'm not going to cry on camera. Thank you so much for saying that, and if anyone would like to contact Emily, I will put her information in the show notes and I appreciate you and I love you as well, and I cannot wait for this new project to officially be able to be spoken about so we can share it with the world. And if anyone is needing a safe space held for them, they want to work on their inner child, they want to ascend, they want to truly release and align with their purpose, definitely let me know all my information in the show notes. I highly recommend doing a 60 minute fly with me session. It will literally change your life.

Speaker 1:

I am very intentional about the work that I share and we go very deep and we heal very quickly and it's just a really beautiful journey to start. Look what you're fucking manifesting now. So that will also be in the show notes. So thank you, emily, for being here and thank you so much for everyone to just like. Thanks for being you world like and keep showing up in a really beautiful light.

Speaker 1:

And if you are enjoying this podcast like I, really encourage you to become a subscriber. It really helps keep the podcast going and keep guests on the show. I really appreciate. The link is also there for you to support. So I'm sending you all lots of love. Emily, thank you again and I will talk to you all very soon. Hey, if you're ready to ascend to happiness and live the life you've always wanted, join me in my empowered living Facebook group for socially conscious healers, witches and spirituals and sign up to get my free, empowered five practices to Ascended Happiness Guide. It's helped others expand their consciousness and soar beyond sight, sound and imagination in just one day. It's the catalyst you need to embrace your magic and change the world. Click the link in the show notes and I'll see you in the group next time.

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